Cloudbeds Payments - Everything you need to know

Requirements to set your account

Cloudbeds believes every lodging business is unique. We offer tools for all sizes and budgets to help you establish and grow your business. Reach out to our dedicated team for more information on each available package. Not yet a Cloudbeds customer? Access our Pricing Guide and schedule a demo.

Payment Acceptance Options

  1. Pay By Link: includes Google Pay and Apple Pay
  2. Tap to Pay - Mobile POS
  3. Automation
  4. E-Commerce
  5. Fully Integrated Terminals - check if the terminals are available in your region
  6. Additional Payment Partners: Google Pay, Apple Pay, Affirm (USA/CA), and OXXO (MX)

Classic reporting includes:

What regions are Cloudbeds Payments available in?

Customers based in the following countries can now take advantage of Cloudbeds Payments:


  • Streamline operations with one system: No more manually entering transactions from one platform to another. Reporting and reconciliation become a breeze with all your transactions in one place. Cloudbeds Payments makes relationship management, accounting, and payment processing work seamlessly.
  • Simple application and setup: Our setup process is designed to be fast and simple. Secure online application, with terminals* shipped right to your door — after approval, accept payments within minutes.
  • Cut costs: Eliminating the need to track and report transactions in multiple platforms reduces employee/staff hours. There is no more dual entry, no more manual batching, and guest payment information is automatically added to the reservation for faster transactions.
  • Greater accuracy: Remove human error from the equation—no more redundant dual entries, calculation mistakes, or misplaced invoices. This, too, cuts costs since fewer errors mean fewer losses.
  • Built for the hospitality industry: The hospitality industry has a unique mix of payment types, which until recently were flagged for fraud at higher rates than other industries. Our payment processing represents the unique hospitality industry and increases authorization rates.
  • State-of-the-art point-of-sale hardware: Cloudbeds Payments uses the newest and most secure payment terminal* on the market. You can tap, dip, chip, or swipe all major credit cards.
  • Easy dispute management: Our team works tirelessly to immediately identify and help you respond
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  • It would be of great benefit if Cloudbeds Payments could use the Terminal on the House Account rather than two seperate clicks.

    Currently you have to add the payment (type custom amount and charge via terminal)

    Then add the item separately to balance the house account.


    It would be great if you could add the item and charge via terminal at the same time.

  • Hello, Aaron Allix!

    Thank you for your feedback!

    Based on your comments, we have created a new idea in the Cloudbeds Community. Please feel free to access it here



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