This article will walk you through the process of adding payment to a reservation as a record (without charging the credit card, without using payment gateway processing). This helps to track the guest's balance and keep reporting accurate.
- Looking for more information about processing reservation payments through a Payment Gateway? Click here.
- If you are using Cloudbeds Payments as your payment processor, see: How to Process a Transaction through the Terminal
Important considerations
- The steps described below do not process any payment from the guest's credit card.
- To charge the credit card added to the reservation you would need a payment gateway connected to Cloudbeds PMS. Learn more about processing real payments through payment gateway in our article Payment Processing Overview and Frequently Asked Questions
- Or alternatively, you can charge the credit card through an external system (POS, terminal, online banking).
- Look for the corresponding reservation. You can use the search bar in the Top menu of your Cloudbeds account
- Click on the Folio tab
- Open the folio to add the payment record
- Click Add/Refund Payment
- Click on Add Payment
Learn more about the Reservation Folio.
- Assign to: Choose the guest to assign the payment, can be used for when there are multiple guests in a reservation.
- Select folio: Select to which folio the payment will be added.
- Amount: By default the amount of payment will be pre-filled with the balance due, you may click it to edit - if the amount entered is higher than the balance due , a notification will pop up to ask you to confirm the action.
- Payment type: Select the type of payment (cash, credit card, bank transfer, PayPal, or any custom payment types methods)
- Collect payment: Select the Record previous payment (Do not charge) option. This will record an earlier payment only. A credit card will not be charged using this method.
- Post with current date and time: By default the box is checked to post the transaction with the current date and time. Unchecking the box will allow you to choose a date in the past or future to post the transaction.
- If a date in the future is selected, the transaction will appear in the folio as pending.
- Cash payments will always be posted with the current date.
- If the Enter and store credit card details option is selected, you will have access to them later.
- If the Credit Card option is previously selected as the payment type, the Enter and store credit card details option will appear. If selected, you will be able to enter the credit card details which will be stored in the reservation Credit Cards tab. To view the stored credit card details see this article: Viewing Credit Card Details: All You Need To Know
- Credit card type: Select the type of the credit card. This option is only displayed if credit card is selected previously as the payment type.
- Notes: Enter any notes if necessary
- Allocate Payment: If you have this functionality enabled, this option will be checked by default for you to allocate the payment to the specific revenue item. Learn more about Payment Allocation.
- Continue: Click to add the payment

Add cash payment
You can either post cash payments on the guest's folio with or without the Cash Drawer feature, but if you want to have a better control of your cash payments, check the following article: Cash Drawer - How to Create and Manage

If you have Cash Drawer feature enabled
If you have the Cash Drawer Feature enabled and also an open cash drawer when posting the payment, the system will recognize the user posting the transaction and will automatically post cash to the open cash drawer associated.
If you have the Cash Drawer feature enabled, but you didn't open a cash drawer yet, on the payment details there will be 3 options offered when Cash is selected as the Payment Type:
- Add to currently open drawer - it means that the system didn't recognize the drawer created by the user who is adding the transaction
- Open Cash Drawer - open a new cash drawer under the current user name
- Proceed Without Opening Cash Drawer - allows to proceed without the Cash Drawer feature
Once the corresponding option is selected, click on Continue to proceed.

- If you have Cash Drawer feature enabled, you can generate a list of cashier reports and access each of them to track operations done with cash
- If you are interested on the Cash Drawer feature, contact our Support Team.
If you have chosen the current or past date when posting the payment, you will see the transaction as posted in the selected folio. Review all the details to make sure that everything is correct.
To void a payment transaction, click on the gear icon and select the option to Void payment. Learn more here.
- If you have selected a future date for the payment, the payment will be pending to be posted in the folio
- The amount paid will only be credited on the future date selected, and the balance due will then be updated
- To see the payment, include Pending in the filter Transactions (the payment will appear in gray, which means pending)
- The Total in the folio will include the pending payment
Frequently asked questions
In Cloudbeds PMS, a payment can be added in 2 ways:
- As a record (the payment will be recorded as a note in the folio, the system does not charge the guest's card)
- As a real charge (Cloudbeds PMS processes the payment through the connected payment gateway)
The process described in this article does not process the payment, but adds a record of the payment to the folio. Click here to learn more about processing real payments through payment gateway.
You would need to charge the guest credit card through an external system (POS, terminal, online banking). If you have stored the credit card details when adding a payment as a record, you may use them to process the payment through the external system.
No, if the payment was added by mistake or with incorrect details, you may see the solution below.
- Cash payment: Cannot be voided after 24 hours. Add a refund of the amount added instead, and post a new payment with the correct details. Learn how to add refund
- Other payment types: Click the gear icon next to the transaction, to void the payment and add a new payment. (Users must be granted with permission to Void Payments After 24 Hours)
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