Add, edit or delete roles

On Cloudbeds PMS, you are able to create users for your employees and staff and assign them specific and customizable roles.

This article will show you how manage the roles privileges as necessary based on the job function.

If you don't see the below settings on the screen, it means that your user has no permission to access. Reach out to the Property Owner to enable the permission to Manage User Roles and privileges for you.

Access Roles

  1. In your Account menu, go to the Settings Page and click on the Users section
  2. Click on Roles

Manage roles

Add roles

Before you can add a new user, you'll need to create a user role for them. You can either use the "Administrator" role that is automatically created as an example on your account or create a new one (Ex: front desk employees).

  1. In the Users page, go to the Roles tab and click +Add role
  2. Add a Role Name
  3. Add a Role Description (optional)
  1. In the list of Privileges, enable or disable any option to restrict/enable user's access for specific functionality
  2. Click or unclick any specific option to restrict/enable user's access for specific action on that functionality
  3. Save
Edit or delete roles
  1. Click on the three dots ( ⋮ ) icon next to the role to edit
  2. Click Edit/Delete Role, based on your requirements

Learn more about the different Role privileges.

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