Cloudbeds Reports

As part of our continuous effort to provide a better and more comprehensive reporting solution, we are releasing Cloudbeds Reports to all Cloudbeds accounts.

Previously, only accounts with Cloudbeds Insights* enabled have access to Cloudbeds Reports. We are releasing 8 Cloudbeds Reports to everyone, regardless of package level or enabled features.

The Cloudbeds Reports are view-only reports you can use to analyze your daily operations and finances.

*Cloudbeds Insights is an analytical platform which allows users to create and customize reports based on their needs. This solution is currently in the pilot testing phase and only available for pilot properties. If you want to join the pilot or have some feedback to share, reach out to our Support team at  

User permission

Property owner has access to Cloudbeds Reports by default, other users must have the privilege to access reports enabled under their role. Learn more: Roles and Privileges

The below table describes which report toggle in the user permission gives access to what Cloudbeds Reports - report type (data set).

Cloudbeds Reports - Report Types
Production Reports Reservations, Occupancy
Financial Reports Financial, Invoicing
Daily Activity Reports Guests, Reservations, Occupancy
Police Report Guests
Payment Reports Payments


  1. Click Menu.
  2. Go to Reports.
  3. Select Cloudbeds Insights.
[Demo] Bali Jungle Resort - Dashboard
  1. Go to Cloudbeds Reports.
  2. You will see a list of Cloudbeds Reports. This list will continue to grow.
  3. Click on the report title to view the report.
  1. You may choose how you want to visualize the data: table or chart view (if applicable).
  2. Filters are used to narrow the results. See more details in the section: Filters
  3. Refresh the report.
  4. Click to save the report with the current settings (e.g, if you make any modifications to the filters).
  5. Export the report. See more details in the section: Export
  6. Summary Information: The summary information metrics are calculated based upon the entire results.
  1. By default the current property account will be selected in the filter.

The option to select multiple properties is only available if you are part of Multi Property (Organization) and have Cloudbeds Insights enabled in your Cloudbeds Package.

  1. The filters are already prefilled to pull the data based on the report you chose. You can change the value of an existing filter but you cannot add / remove the filters.
  2. Apply to save any changes.
  1. Save the report.
  1. Click Export.
  1. Choose the Export View and Format.
    • Formatted Report - format: XLSX
    • Details Only - format: XLSX; CSV;JSON
  2. Click Export.

On the Home page, you can find a list of recently published articles, your favorite articles and a manage button to set the start of the week. Check each section below.

1. Manage

By default, the Relative Date filters (e.g. Start Current Week) always start on Monday. Some properties may begin their work week on another weekday such as Sunday.

Admins* can change the start day of the week in the Manage section.

*In the property account, an admin could be the Property Owner, Multi-Property Owner, Multi-Property User or Organization Owner/Admin/User.

Follow steps:

  1. Click Manage.
  1. In the drop-down, select the start of the week.
  2. Click Save.
[Demo] Bali Jungle Resort -
2. Recently Published

Stay updated with the recently published Cloudbeds Reports.

3. Favorites

Inside the report, you can click the star to mark it as your favorite. Click on the star again if you wish to unmark it.

Test Property - Thailand - Arrivals Today

Your favorite reports can be quickly located and viewed from the home page.

How to manage the favorite reports list:

  1. Click the edit (pencil) button.
  1. Click the star to remove the report from your the list.
  2. Click Save.
Test Property - Thailand -
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