Cloudbeds Booking Engine is our commission-free booking engine fully controlled by Cloudbeds PMS. It works as a separate website (pulling rates and availability from Cloudbeds PMS) or as a built-in booking window for your website or Facebook page.
This article includes a general overview of the Cloudbeds Booking Engine.
- Cloudbeds believes every lodging business is unique. We have tools for every size and budget to establish and grow. Reach out to our Support Team for more information on each available package.
- If you are not yet a Cloudbeds customer, click here to access our Pricing Guide and schedule a demo.
The Cloudbeds Booking Engine allows you to:
- Sell your rooms with special pricing and gain more guests without paying commission to third-parties
- Apply customization to match your website’s look and feel
- Effectively manage rates, packages and promotions to increase the sale of rooms
- Manage your property description, address, contact info, amenities, rooms descriptions, photos, policies, emails and much more.

Here's an example of how your Booking Engine may look like on desktop and mobile versions with property and accommodations photos uploaded to Cloudbeds PMS:


The Cloudbeds Booking Engine is being upgraded to a new version. Learn more: Cloudbeds Booking Engine Plus Overview
- The Rate Checker helps your guests monitor the rates across all your distribution sites and compare them with your direct rates
- Add-Ons (services and products) to sell your products and services
- Create Rate Plans and Packages (with a promo code, if necessary) and it'll be displayed and sold on your Booking Engine
- The Hotels Network - Website optimization
- CartStack - Cart Abandonment
Learn more about the Apps integrated with Cloudbeds PMS.
Never again wonder how many guests visit your website but book with an Online Travel Agency (OTA).
Cloudbeds Booking Engine tracks visits, clicks, and conversions and Google Analytics helps you discover how effective your online marketing is, so you can make changes to improve it. See Google Analytics for your Booking Engine to learn more.
- Make your reservation process professional and personalized from start to finish
- Customize our email templates to match your property’s website branding
- Craft confirmation emails for different types of reservations, including those with or without deposits
Check out this article to learn more about creating and editing email templates and read how to schedule an email for sending them to your guests.
With the Payment Processing functionality enabled in Cloudbeds PMS, setup automatic authorization or charge of your guests' credit cards during the booking on the Booking Engine, or collect credit card data to charge the guests later.
A widget is website element which can be added to your website and is displayed like search bar or search button. Visit the following article to learn more about the Cloudbeds Booking Engine website widgets
- Control many of your Booking Engine's features in the Cloudbeds Booking Engine Settings page, such as appearance and text customization, book specific accommodations, hide map and more.
- Visit the Frequently Asked Questions if you have any other doubts about your Cloudbeds Booking Engine.
Find new ways to stay engaged with your potential guests and stand out from your competition. Check how to add your Booking Engine link to the following Social Media Platforms: