Custom Fields - Everything you need to know

Custom Fields gather and store additional information about your guests, which you can apply to the reservations or customer section of your bookings.

This quick guide shows how to create or edit Custom Fields in Cloudbeds PMS easily.

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Access Custom Fields

  1. In your Account menuAccount menu.png, go to the Settings Page Settings.png and click on GuestsGuests icon.png
  2. Click on Custom Fields

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Create, edit, or delete Custom Fields

Create a new custom field

  Custom Fields are displayed on the guest's invoice as long as the field is filled by the guest or property users.

If the field was left blank (the information was not collected), the system will not include this on the invoice. If the information is for internal use, add it to Reservation Notes instead.

  1. In the Custom Fields tab, click on +Add New
  2. Custom Field Name - Add the field name that will be displayed when entering the data.
  3. Apply custom field to - Select whether to put this field in the reservation or guest's information section. See how to Find Custom Fields in the Guest or Reservation Overview
  4. Max. Characters - Maximum number of characters allowed to be entered in this field.
  5. Select if this field is required - Specify whether this field is required to be filled out before a guest can make a reservation.
  6. Where would you like this field to display - Select the applicable options:
    • Direct Reservations (added manually)
    • Internet Booking Engine
    • Registration Card
  7. Internal Field Shortcode: Internal reference and is used for integration purposes such as custom links and the API.
  8. Select what type of field you would like to add: Use the drop-down to select either Input Field or Text Area:
    • Input Field: One-line field for short descriptions (approximately 40 letters).
    • Text area: Multi-line field that allows to press enter and add more text than the input field.
  9. Select if this field contains any Personally Identifiable Information: For privacy and GDPR compliance, a customer can request to see their personally identifiable information (PII) at any time. The guest can also ask for their PII to be anonymized or deleted. Select YES, if the custom field is asking for information that could personally identify the guest.
  10. Click Save

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  1. The new custom field will appear in your Custom Fields list:

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Edit or delete a custom field

  1. Change the order in which the custom fields will appear on your booking engine by dragging and dropping them
  2. Click the pencil icon to Edit the custom field
  3. Click the x icon to Delete


    • When editing a custom field, pay attention if you're changing the Apply Custom Field to option, as this action cannot be undone. If the Apply Custom Field to option is changed from Reservations to Customer or vice-versa, the data already populated in the reservation or guest's information section will be gone and cannot be recovered even if you revert the setting.
    • Once deleted, custom fields cannot be recovered.

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  1. An alert will appear, once a Custom Field is deleted, the data gathered and saved on this field cannot be retrieved back to the applicable reservations. To proceed click YES, DELETE IT!

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Other Custom Fields options

Find Reservation or Customer Custom Fields in the guest reservation

On the drop-down Apply Custom Field to, you have 2 options:

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1. If you selected Reservations

You can see this information by clicking on the Show More button when you access the reservation:

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  Edit the custom field entered information by clicking on the pencil icon.

2. If you selected Customer

See the Custom Field information by clicking on Guest Details > Guest Info. The Custom Fields will be displayed under the Additional Information.

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  Learn more about the Guest Details tab.

Export Custom Fields

  1. Go to your Main Menu Main menu icon.png, click on Reservations, and select the corresponding filters for your reservations
  2. Click Apply
  3. Click to Export Reservations

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  1. Select the fields you want to export by clicking on the field you want and dragging it to the other area. The Custom Fields will be on the left side.
  2. Click to Export Reservations list and manage the data from within Excel.

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  If you are a Cloudbeds Insight customer, you can build your reports using your Custom Fields. Learn more: Reports with Property's Custom Fields.

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