Reservation Details Page - Everything you need to know

Manage all accommodations, guests, communication, reservation status and financial details of a specific reservation in the Reservation Details Page.

This article will go through all the sections you can find in this page.

Reservation Details Page

The Reservation Details Page is accessible once a user clicks on the reservation number, or searches for a particular reservation in the top navigation bar. It is organized in sections and tabs to help you manage your reservations easily and efficiently.

Once open, this page provides information on all the booking details, as well as showcasing the actions that can be performed through Cloudbeds PMS. These actions include the ability to add credit card details, generate or print an invoice, for example; among other tasks.

Sections Overview

Reservation Header
  1. Guest Name and Cloudbeds Reservation ID: The reservation ID is a unique reference number created by the system automatically and cannot be changed/customized.
  2. Statuses:
    1. Reservation Status: Confirmed, Confirmation Pending, Canceled, In-house, Checked out, or No Show.
    2. Guest Status: Refers to the guests categories. Learn more here.
  3. Actions: Including all the possible options to manage the reservation, such as Email or generate a new Invoice, or print Registration Cards. Learn more in the section below.
  4. Reservation Information: Such as the check-in and check-out dates, the reservation source or the total number of nights and guests.
  5. Balance Due: The drop-down menu on the right side displays further details regarding the deposit, subtotal, any additional items, tax, and the grand total. It also displays any amount that has already been paid.
  6. Show more: Click here to display your reservation Custom Fields.

Things to note:

  • All OTA reservations get imported to Cloudbeds PMS with a Confirmed status.
  • The Origin field is different from the Reservation Source. Origin is the original booking source used by the guest to make the reservation. Continue reading below for more detailed information about the Origin field.
  • Once created, 3DS-authorized reservations are automatically changed to Inquiry, a temporary reservation status in Cloudbeds, until they are successfully authenticated by the booker. Note that there is no time limit for this status to be changed, since it will depend on the guest or booker approving the payment process.
  • Depending on the source of the reservation, some extra fields will be presented, such as the payment type or the cancellation details.
  • The cancellation details are only available for OTA reservations that send Cloudbeds PMS this specific information and it is not possible to edit this information inside Cloudbeds PMS.
  • Check the following articles to learn more about OTA cancellations:

The Origin field in the Reservation Details Page

The Origin field displays the Original Booking Source used by the guest to make the reservation. The most common values this will take will be a website (OTA) or a Travel Agency name.


  • Expedia is a brand that owns many subsidiary booking websites such as Orbitz, Travelocity, and, among many others.
  • When a booking is made on one of those subsidiary sites, it is sent through the Expedia API and appears as a booking with a Source equal to "Expedia" although it originated from Orbitz, Travelocity, or
  • The Origin field will show the original booking source and the front desk staff can reference this information.
  • In the case of Google Hotel Search (where the reservation was made from within the booking engine), Origin is the search engine from where a customer was redirected to your booking engine.
Reservation Actions
  1. Invoice:
  2. Email:
  3. Print:
  • If the Autofill all languages option of the Email Template settings page is selected to a specific language, printing in different languages will only render the specific language selected, and will not translate to other languages.
  • Example:
    • The template is set to Autofill using English
    • If Spanish is selected when printing the confirmation, the system will display the confirmation in English
    • All languages become available again if you unselect the Autofill option within the template
  1. Export:
    • Export to XML/XLS/PDF
  2. Delete Reservation

For reservations specifically, the Reservation Actions menu also offers the option to Report Guest Misconduct. Click here to learn more.

Reservation Details Tabs
  1. Accommodations: Information about all the rooms reserved or assigned for a reservation. It is also possible to edit the reservation in this tab.
  2. Folio: The financial details of the reservation (room rates, pending transactions, additional items already posted) are stored here.
  3. Guest Details: Information for each guest on the reservation.
  4. Credit Cards: Any debit or credit cards attached as a payment method.
  5. Notes: An additional space for diverse details, special requests, or important reminders regarding guest stay or guest's needs.
  6. Documents: Upload files and other documents to attach to the reservation.
  7. Reservation Activity: Find all the changes made to a reservation by the system and/or user(s).
  8. Email messages: Displays all emails for that reservation (sent, delivered, failed, scheduled). This feature is similar to the Email Delivery Log, but it only includes emails belonging to this reservation.

Learn more about all the Reservation Details Tabs.

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