Cloudbeds Booking Engine Settings

Cloudbeds Booking Engine is our commission-free booking engine for your website and Facebook page.

On the Booking Engine Settings page, you may control many of the booking engine's features like Accommodation Allotment, same-day booking settings, mandatory fields to be filled by guests, language preferences or insert a redirect URL.

Learn more about the Cloudbeds Booking Engine.

Settings overview

  • The options set on this page will be applied only for your Cloudbeds Booking Engine account and will not be sent to OTAs.
  • Some Booking Engine options may not be available for certain Cloudbeds packages. Reach out to our Support Team if you have any doubts or specific requests.
Option to book specific accommodations

With option Allow guests to book specific accommodations on the Booking Engine you may sell individual rooms within the selected room type:

Opt-in to marketing content (*only if GDPR is enabled)

Configure the marketing opt-in/opt-out option to display on the booking engine.

  • If No is selected: Guests will not be able to opt-in to your marketing emails* during the booking process on the Booking Engine.
  • If Yes is selected: Guest will be able to decide whether to opt-in to marketing emails* from your property.

Type additional content that explains what this marketing might include. You will be able to specify the text in each language supported by the booking engine. Provide clear, concise text that indicates a guest is opting out of any marketing related emails. Email templates where the type is set to Marketing on the Email Templates settings page.

See example below (See numbers in the first screenshot Cloudbeds PMS and where they relate to 2nd screenshot Booking Engine:

  • If the guests opts-in to additional marketing, the property can schedule marketing-related emails.
  • Both guest and property can opt-out the guest, but only the guest can opt-in to marketing content.
  • When GDPR is enabled for the first time, all emails will be set to non-marketing type, but it can be changed by the user.
Additional fields for guests

Enabling these settings will make certain fields mandatory for your guests to fill in when they book through the booking engine:

  • Hide Map: When enabled, the map will be hidden on the booking page. Learn more here.
  • Ask for a Postal Address
  • Ask for Nationality
  • Ask for Gender: Guests will be prompted to provide their gender when booking. At this time, there will be the options of male or female). Even if you have shared room (dorm) for specific gender (female dorm, male dorm), the system will still allow you to select any gender in the booking engine and book the dorm.
  • Ask for Personal Tax ID Number
  • Ask for Company Name
  • Ask for Company Tax ID Name
  • Require Telephone Number to book
  • Ask for Estimated Arrival Time: When enabled you can choose the time format.
  • Require acceptance of terms and conditions

Edit your Terms and Conditions on the Policies page.

Confirmation Email

Option to send the customer an automatic confirmation allows you to send the reservation confirmation to the guest right after he completes the booking form. Edit your Confirmation Email template on Email Templates page.

Other Settings

Redirect URL

If Redirect on confirmation page is selected, guests will be redirected to the provided URL once the booking is completedEnter after how many seconds the redirect will be initiated. This will not redirect to a Facebook URL.

Allotment (Set a smaller quantity of accommodations than available)

When enabled, choose how many rooms you would like to sell on the Booking Engine and limit the number of rooms sold.

  • When set up for the first time, the Quantity to Sell field will be populated with the number of rooms you have for the corresponding room type.
  • With Quantity to Sell set to 0, the system blocks a room type from being sold on the Booking Engine (Example: on the screenshot below Standard Double Room will not be bookable on the Booking Engine)
  • In the same example below, the total available number of the Blue Dorm is 6, but the quantity to sell is set to 3, which means, that there will not be any availability shown on the Booking Engine after 3 Blue Dorm rooms are sold.
  • This option does not close the sale of the accommodation type for other sources, only for the Booking Engine. To limit the number of rooms to sell on OTA, go to Availability Matrix and reduce the Amount Allotted for Sale.
  • The Booking Engine Allotment tool only applies to Base Rates. You can limit rate plans and packages while setting the rate plan interval in the Rate Plans and Packages menu.
Limit number of accommodations of the same type that guests can book for a single reservation

Set the number of rooms which a person can book within one reservation:

Credit Card CVV Settings

Select whether to ask your guests for CVV code when entering credit card information (credit card payments only)

We strongly recommend that properties connected to Cloudbeds Payments in Canada and Europe have this option selected. These countries have more strict fraud detection rules and having the CVV settings as optional could result in a transaction being rejected.

Language Settings

Select which languages you would like to appear on your booking engine for guests to choose from.

The languages selected will appear on the top right corner of the booking engine screen for your guests. The number of languages is constantly updated:

See the Frequently Asked Questions if you have any doubts about the Booking Engine.

Cloudbeds Booking Engine Plus Settings

Cloudbeds Booking Engine Plus is a re-imagined and upgraded version of your Cloudbeds Booking Engine.  Learn more here.

Display add-ons

Select if your property add-ons will be displayed before or after the checkout in the booking engine reservation process. Learn more about add-ons here.

If the add-ons are charged before the checkout, these will be included in the guest's deposit.

Show accommodations with no availability

Display the unavailable accommodations in your booking engine. This will show the corresponding accommodations in gray scale with an none anavailable badge in your booking engine page.

This feature only applies to rooms that have no inventory available (amount alloted for sale), not to the accommodations that have been manually blocked.

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  • Hi is it possbile to change the date configuration of the calendar in the booking engine?

    As of now the week starts on a Sunday and not on a Monday. 

    It would be great to know how to change the date configuration of the calendar so that the week starts on a Monday and ends on a Sunday.

  • Hello, : Adrian Osmani!

    Currently, it is not possible to change the date configuration on the Booking Engine calendar. 

    Based on your feedback, we have created a new idea here in the Cloudbeds Community, so you and other users can already see it, comment on it, and vote for it. The more votes, the better! 

    Thank you for your suggestion 💙


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