A nightly police report is required by various police departments in Spain for all guests staying at hospitality businesses in Spain.
Streamline your process by using the Cloudbeds Spain police report that contains all the information for guests checking in on any given day instead of using single traveler registration cards “parte de viajero'.
The Cloudbeds Spain police report is ready for upload into the Guarda Civil or Policia Nacional or Mossos d’esquadra or Ertzaintza portals. To benefit of this service you may need to switch the reporting method within the police portal from manual to file upload.
User permission
Property owner has access to Police Report - Spain by default. Other users must be granted permission inside Roles. User must have the Spanish Police Report enabled in their role privileges, in the section API Credentials and Integrations. Learn more about Roles and Privileges
Generate report
To generate the report, make sure that all mandatory fields in the guest's details have been properly filled up, including Additional Guest's details. If any of this information is missing, the file might fail to be uploaded to the police website.
- Click Menu.
- Click Reports.
- Select Government & Police Reports.
- Click Police Report - Spain.
- Enter your Spanish police hotel ID (as provided by your local police).
- Select which date to run the report for. This is the check-in date of the guest.
- Confirm that all mandatory information (guest details) has been filled out properly.
- Click Generate report to download the file to your computer.
Contact our support if you do not see this feature.
The report is a text file and can be opened with any text editor. Example: Microsoft Notepad, Microsoft WordPad, Apple Text Edit.
Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Microsoft Edge web browsers allow you to open text files, but you cannot edit your text file in a web browser.
Mandatory information in Guest Details
For Spain Police Report there are fields in the reservation details which are mandatory to be filled in:
Room Assignment
- Guests must be assigned to a Room/Bed in order to be included in the Police Report
Guest Details
- First and Last Name
- Date of Birth (should include date, month and year)
Guest document:
- Type of document
- Document Number
- Document Issue Date
- Document Issuing Country
If the Type of document is a Residence permit, when filling the field Document Issuing Country, be sure to populate it with the guest's nationality instead.
For example, a guest with Moroccan Nationality and Residence Permit issued by Spain - would require the field Document issuing country to be populated with Morocco.
Additional guests
If there is more than one guest in reservation, add all the guests and fill in their details.
- Click Guest Details.
- Click +Add Guest.
- Fill out the mandatory details.
- Click Save.
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