Grant and set up credit card viewing password

On Cloudbeds PMS, only the property owner (the person who signed up for the Cloudbeds account) has permission to view credit card details by default. Other type of users must be granted permission by the property owner.  

This article shows the step-by-step for the property owner to grant credit card viewing permission to other users, as well as the instructions for the staff to set up their own credit card viewing password.

Credit card viewing permission by role

Each user role in Cloudbeds PMS has different levels of permission to view reservation credit cards. The following table shows more details about the credit card viewing permissions according to each one of the property roles.

Learn more about how to add, edit or delete roles

Roles Permissions
Property owner

Has permission to view credit card details by default. They only need to set up a credit card viewing password.

Organization owner
Organization admin
Organization/Multiproperty use

Must be granted permission to view credit card details by the property owner of each account in the organization separately, and must set up a credit card viewing password for each property account. 

Other users Must be granted permission to view credit card details by the property owner and must set up a credit card viewing password for the property account.

Grant or set up credit card viewing password

  • Organization owner/admin/user: The property owner of each separate account in a group has to grant the credit card viewing permission to each organization user separately. For example: property owner of account A should login and grant permission to organization user; then property owner of account B should login and grant permission to the same organization user, etc.
  • If there are 5 properties in the organization, the organization user would need to set up a different credit card password for all 5 properties.

Learn more about Organizations.

Grant credit card viewing password to staff users (Instructions for the property owner)
  • Only user logged in as Property Owner has access to Security page to grant permission to other users.
  • Cloudbeds Support team cannot grant permission to users.
  1. In your Account menu, go to the Settings Page and click on the Users section
  2. Go to Security page
  3. Select the users you want grant permission to view credit cards.
  4. Click Actions.
  5. Click Enable Credit Card Viewing Access.
  6. Click Apply
  1. You will see the warning and a list of users you granted permission to view credit card data. Click Confirm. The selected user will receive an email with a link to set a credit card viewing password. They must follow the steps to set up the password. The user will receive an email to set up their password.
  • In case the email wasn't sent or if the user missed the email, reset the password for the user. This will send a new email with a link to set the credit card viewing password. Simply select the user, click Actions and select Set/Reset Credit Card Password. An information pop up will appear, indicating that a reset link was sent to the user's email.
  • Check who does or does not have a credit card viewing password setup under Credit Card Password Status column.
  • Reset link will be sent to the user's registered email. They must follow the steps below to set up the password.
Set up credit card viewing password (Instructions for the property staff)

Once permission is granted, the property users will receive an email to set up the credit card viewing password. Follow steps below:

  1. Open the email received from the property owner via Cloudbeds PMS and  click Set Password
  2. Enter your desired password
  3. Re-enter (confirm) the password
  4. Click Confirm. Once you successfully set the password, the system will take you back into Cloudbeds PMS automatically.
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