Base Rates and Availability Matrix - How to Block Room Availability

This article offers a general description of the types of Room Blocks on Cloudbeds PMS and their functionality.

How to Block Room Availability on Cloudbeds PMS

Block Room Availability for all Connected Channels and Direct Reservations

The following options will close availability for:

  • All connected Distribution Channels (OTAs)
  • Cloudbeds Booking Engine
  • Direct Reservations on Cloudbeds PMS

Property Owner can create room blocks by default. The rest of the users must be granted permission by the Property Owner. Learn more about Roles and Permissions.

Block Room Availability for Specific Channels Only

Things to know:

  • The option Closeouts will close availability for specific channels (OTAs) only. The room type will still be available for booking engine and manual reservations within the system.
  • Property Owner can manage Closeouts by default. The rest of the users must be granted permission to access Distribution by the Property Owner. Learn more about Roles and Permissions

In the Distribution Distribution icon.png page,

    1. Open the tab
    2. Click to add closeout
    3. Select the channels to be closed
    4. Select the room types to be blocked
    5. Add a date range: select the period of time and the specific days of the week within that period to be blocked.
    6. Add closeout
Closeout Steps Image
Block an entire accommodation type in the Availability Matrix
Option 1 - Long Term Intervals

Use this option to block various accommodations for long periods of time:

  1. Click on the Menu
  2. Click on Rates and Availability
  3. Go to the Availability Matrix
  4. Click on +Long Term Interval
  5. Select the accommodation(s) to block
  6. Insert the start and end dates of the block
  7. Select the applicable day(s) of the week
  8. In the Interval Settings, select Accommodation Blocked
  9. Switch the Accommodation Blocked toggle to Yes
  10. Click on Add Interval
  11. Save

Switch Accommodation Blocked toggle to No, in the step-by-step process above to unblock/open your blocked accommodation(s).

Option 2 - Short Term Intervals

Use this option to set a block for a short period of time:

  1. In the Availability Matrix, make sure that Accommodation Blocked is checked in the Display Options menu
  2. Find the accommodation to block dates for, and check the dates to close in the Accommodation Blocked row (checked boxes will turn blue to remind you which ones you have already selected)
  3. Save

To unblock your short term interval blocked accommodation, simply uncheck the Accommodation Blocked box and save your changes.

It is not currently possible to select past dates on the Availability Matrix to remove room blocks.

Block a specific accommodation or bed in the Calendar
Option 1 - Blocked Dates

This method allows you to block specific rooms/beds in the calendar without closing the entire room type.

  1. Click on the main Menu
  2. Click on Calendar
  3. Find the unit to block
  4. Click on the start date of the block
  5. Click on the end date of the block. As soon as you click on it, a yellow block will appear on top of the selected period with the suggested options.
  6. Select Blocked Dates

After selecting the Blocked Dates option you will then be prompted to:

  1. Confirm the dates
  2. Confirm the accommodations that will be blocked
  3. Provide the reason for the block which will serve for internal use only
  4. Save

The block with the (internal) block description will appear in gray on the Calendar:

Option 2 - Out of Service

This method allows you to block specific rooms/beds in the calendar without closing the entire room type. Selecting the Out of Service option is similar to using the Blocked Dates option, but will create a Red stripe on the calendar instead of gray.

  1. Access the Calendar and find the unit to block
  2. Click on the start date of the block
  3. Click on the end date of the block. As soon as you click on it, a yellow block will appear on top of the selected period with the suggested options.
  4. Select Out of Service

After selecting the Out of Service option you will then be prompted to:

  1. Confirm the dates
  2. Confirm the accommodations that will be blocked
  3. Provide the reason for the block which will serve for internal use only
  4. Save

The block with the (internal) block description will appear in red on the Calendar:

Option 3 - Courtesy Hold (temporary room hold)

Courtesy Hold is a type of block which holds certain accommodation for a specific number of days/hours for a guest. Create a courtesy hold on calendar and convert it into a reservation in case the guest confirms the hold.

To perform this action, follow the steps: How to Create and Edit Room Hold

Clear or Remove the Room Block

  1. Access the Calendar, find the unit to unblock and click the block
  2. Select Clear Dates

Out of Service

Blocked Dates

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