Email Delivery Log

There are two types of emails in Cloudbeds PMS: Email Templates and System Notifications. Check all emails sent from Cloudbeds PMS to you or your guests, if it has been successfully sent, delivered or failed to be sent, with the Email Delivery Log.

Access Email Delivery Log

  1. In your Account menu, go to the Settings Page and click on the Email section
  2. Click on Delivery Log

Use the Delivery Log

Step 1 - Apply your filters
  1. Search by guest name or reservation ID
  2. Select the date range (From - To) to check specific period of time
  3. Select email Status: Sent, Delivered, Failed
  4. Click Apply
Step 2 - Check the logs
  1. Date sent: the date and time when email has been sent/delivered
  2. Status: the status of email: Sent, Delivered, Failed (something has prevented email from being sent).

If the status is Failed, click on the tool-tip next to it to check any possible reasons why the email couldn't be sent. Contact Support Team if you need further assistance.

  1. To: shows the recipient - the email is sent to the email address added in the Reservation Details (Guest Details tab), but it can also be the system users if the emails were system notifications or test emails.
  2. Subject: email subject set in Email Templates or set by system if it's a system notification
  3. Reservation ID: displays the booking number related with the email.
  4. Customer: the name of the guest.
  5. Other options:
    • *View (eye icon): allows to preview the email.
    • Resend: allows to resend the specific email if needed.
  • *All emails can sometimes contain sensitive data, only users with View Previously Sent Emails permission are allowed to see the eye icon.
  • Check Roles and Permissions article for further details about Sensitive and Personally Identifiable Information (PII)).
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