How to process payments through payment gateway

This article will show how to charge the guest's credit card through one of the supported payment gateways in Cloudbeds PMS.


Payment processing enabled in Cloudbeds PMS automates payment transactions between you and the guest. It allows you to process, verify, and accept or decline credit card transactions on behalf of the merchant through secure Internet connections.

  • Processing the payments through Cloudbeds PMS is only available for customers with Payment Processing enabled and correctly connected.
  • Check this article to learn more about Payment Processing functionality, or go to this article to learn how to add payment to a reservation as a record without processing it.

Process payments through payment gateway

Option 1 - By clicking on Add Payment
  1. Go to Reservation and click Folio.
  2. Open a folio you want to add payment to
  3. Click Add Payment/Refund and select Add Payment.

In a new window:

  1. Select which guest you want to assign the payment to.
  2. Select which folio the payment should be added to.
  3. Enter the amount of payment (by default, it will be the balance due, but you may edit the amount).
  4. Select the Payment Type > Credit Card 
    • You may select either Credit card x(last 4 digit numbers of the card) — if the card details are already entered on the Credit Card tab,
    • or, select + Add new credit card and enter a new credit card (step 9 below).

If you have Cloudbeds Payments as your payment processing feature, you also have the option to send a payment link to collect the  payment. Learn more: Cloudbeds Payments - How to Send a Payment Link (Pay-by-Link)

[TEST] Lviv hotel | CB payments - Reservations
  1. Select how to process the payment
  • Charge: processes the payment from the guest's card through the payment gateway immediately
  • Pre-authorize: holds an amount on the guest's card, which can be charged later on Credit Card tab
  • Record previous payment (don't charge): adds a payment record to the folio and won't process any payment through the gateway. Useful if the payment has already been processed through an external system
    • Post with current date and time: When this box is checked, the current date and time will be posted for the transaction when you click the Continue button. You can uncheck if you are adding a transaction for the past.
    • Enter and store credit card details: Check the box if you are charging a card with details not already in the system.
  1. Input the card information (if you previously selected to add a new card in step 7).
  2. Enter notes.
  3. You can allocate the payment to specific revenue item if you have this functionality enabled. Learn more about payment allocation in our Knowledge Base: Payment Allocation
  4. Click Continue.
[Demo] Bali Jungle Resort - Reservations


  • The date of processed payment can only be the current date and can't be set to the past or future even if Post with current date and time option is off (this option puts a date of transaction = today, but disabling it doesn't mean you can process payment for a future or past date).
  • This functionality does not work with cash payment.

How it looks like on the Folio

The payment processed will appear in Folio. The field Type will show that the payment was processed by the gateway. There will be a gear icon with an option to refund the payment through gateway:

To learn more about how the refund works in our system, visit this article

Option 2 - From the Credit Cards tab
  1. Go to Reservation and click Credit Cards.
  2. Click +Add Card.

If you have already entered the card details or the reservation has been imported with credit card details, just select the credit card and continue to step 4.

  1. Enter the credit card details and Save.
    • Mark the card as active to be able to process it
    • Select a type of credit card
    • Enter cardholder name
    • Enter card number
    • Select Expiration Date
    • Enter CVV if needed
  1. Click the card on the left, then click blue Authorize button.
  1. Enter the amount to authorize (hold) on the guest's card, then click Authorize.

Now you can:

  1. Authorize another amount.
  2. Capture the total authorized amount — select this option to add payment (charge guest's credit card).
  3. Void the authorization.

When Capture is selected, you can enter the amount to be charged (by default, it will be the authorized amount).

If this functionality is enabled, you can allocate the payment to a specific revenue item. Learn more about payment allocation in our Knowledge Base: Payment Allocation

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