How to connect Spain Police Report (SES.HOSPEDAJES)

  • SES.HOSPEDAJES is the platform from the Secretaría de Estado de Seguridad de España replaced the police reports on October 1st, 2024.
  • The app creates two reports: Partes de Viajeros and Reservas de Hospedajes.
  • Cloudbeds provides this free integration to SES.HOSPEDAJES for customers in the Spain region.

Things you should know before getting started

  Documents will be prepared for guests who are Spain residents.

  The query is limited to check-ins and check-outs from the previous day and runs shortly after midnight. For more details, refer to the How to use section.

  At the moment, the app doesn't send the reports automatically. You must manually download the previous day's reports from the Documents page and upload them each day. We expect to resolve this issue by the first quarter of 2025. For more details, refer to the How to use section.

  The app currently uses "Otro" as the payment method for all reservations. We anticipate fixing this issue by the end of the last quarter 2024.

  1. Connect the Spain - Police Report (SES.HOSPEDAJES) app in the Marketplace: How to Connect an App to Cloudbeds PMS.
  2. If prompted, select the property to which you want to connect the app.

  1. Allow Access to the listed items when prompted.

  1. During the connection process, the App will create three new Custom Fields that you can check in the Settings Settings icon.png-> Guests -> Custom Fields section.

These will be displayed as Additional Information in the guest details and can be completed anytime.

  1. Once the connection process has finished, you will be redirected to the Connected Apps section. Go to the App page.

  2. Click Settings

  1. Set your "Código de establecimiento" and click Submit

  After enabling the integration, the app is set to generate reports, but it is not yet ready to send them. Continue reading to learn how to use it.

  The government requires various details from guests for the report, which you will find below. If your property has been using guest detail fields for different purposes—such as using a guest's address for invoicing a company instead of for the actual guest's address—we recommend adding custom fields. This will allow you to include any additional information necessary for a guest or a reservation.

  1. The following guest details must be complete for a guest to be reported by SES.HOSPEDAJES:

    • Guest First Name
    • Guest Last Name
    • At least one Email, Phone Number, or Cellphone Number
    • Guest Document Issuing Country
    • Guest Document Type
      • If the guest presents their NIF, then use “Identity Card” as the document type. In this case, the additional field “Soporte Doc. (SES)” is required.
    • Guest Document Number
    • Guest Birthdate
      • If the guest is under 18, the additional field “Parentesco (SES)” is required. Check Step 2 for instructions on how to fill it correctly.
    • Guest Address Line 1
    • Guest Address City
    • Guest Address’ Country
      • If the guest country is Spain, then the additional field “Código Municipio (SES)” is required. Check Step 3 for instructions on how to fill it correctly.
    • Guest Address’ ZIP/Postal Code
  1. As mentioned above, if the guest is under 18, the additional field “Parentesco (SES)” is required. The values must be used exactly as listed here.

    1. Go to the link
    2. Find the exact value as SES.HOSPEDAJES requires it and click the Copy button 
    3. Paste it in its corresponding additional field in the reservation

  1. If the guest's address country is Spain, then the additional field “Código Municipio (SES)” is required. The code must be used exactly as listed here.

    1. Go to the link
    2. Find the code and click the Copy button 
    3. Paste it in its corresponding additional field in the reservation

  1. The app automatically generates two reports daily at 02:00 UTC and uploads them to the property's documents.

  2. You must download the reports from the Documents page and use the "Carga Masiva" (bulk upload) feature to upload them to SES.HOSPEDAJES for each report your property needs to submit.

Contact us at if you need support.

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