Room Assignments Report

Use this report to view each guest's room assignments and reservation details, along with room blockages and unassigned units.

Access and use

  1. From the Main Menu Main menu.pngclick on Classic reports Classic reports.png

  2. Go to Daily Activity Reports and click on Room assignments

  3. Customize the filters

  4. Click Apply

Filters and Room Assignments Table

When open up the report, you can filter the list of rooms by:

  1. Date Range: By default, it will show today’s date every time you access the report
  2. Room Type: Room category name
  3. Show assigned / unassigned

After applying the filters, the report will display one or multiple tables with the relevant fields depending on the selected date or date range:

  1. Room Type, Number of Reservations + Number of Blocks, and Number of Unassigned rooms
  2. Room Number: ​​Displays room abbreviations and unit numbers as they appear on the calendar
  3. Name and Surname: These fields are hyperlinked; click on them to go to the Reservation Details page

Export To option

Find the Export To button at the top right corner of the page to download it as a PDF or Excel file.


Does this report include virtual rooms or only physical rooms?

It includes both. However, it's important to note that the report will only show the reservation, blocks, and assignments in the primary accommodation type (virtual room).

The linked accommodations (physical rooms) will remain in the table with 0 Reservations + 0 Blocks and Unassigned.

For example:

  • Your property has a virtual room called Suite, which combines 1 Standard Single Room and 1 Double Room.
  • A guest books the room SUI(2), and the system blocks the linked accommodations SIN(2) and DOU(2).

  • The room assignments report will display the guest's name and surname on the room SUI(2), but the linked rooms will have the text N/A.

Learn more about how to combine physical room types into one virtual room in Shared Inventory - Everything you need to know.

Will this report show Courtesy Holds too?

Yes, it will. If an item appears on the calendar, it holds a room and, therefore, will appear in this report, including Courtesy Holds, Out of Service, and Blocked Dates.

These terms will be shown in the Name and Surname fields and the total number of blockages in the row Room Type (Reservations + Blocks, Unassigned).

For more details on blockages, visit Manage blocks on the calendar.  

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