The Payment Ledger is an accounting report that allows you to view all of the payments collected today, and see the list of transactions associated with those payments to check whether the reservation was paid in full, what was paid for, or make sure your payments match your revenue.
Payment Ledger report can show, at a glance, whether the property has received all the payments that it was supposed to, for a specific day or month.
Property owner has access to Financial Reports by default. Other users must be granted permission inside Roles. Learn more: Roles and Permissions
- Click Menu.
- Click Reports.
- Select Financial Reports.
- Click Payment Ledger.
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- Payment Type: You can select the various payment types that will be used for determining which reservations will appear on the report.
- Payment Date: Select a single or a date range to filter for the date on which the payment was made.
- Associated Transactions: Select which other reservation transactions you would like to display on the report. Only the selected types of transactions will appear for reservations matching the other filters.
- Posted/Pending Transactions: Select whether to show only the transactions that have already posted, the ones that are still pending, or both. A posted transaction is a transaction that has already happened, such as a payment that was added five minutes ago. A pending transaction is one that is due for a future date, such as the room revenue for a reservation that begins tomorrow.
- Filter by Reservation Number, Room Number or Guest Name, you can also leave this section blank.
- Check-in Date
- Check-out Date
- User: This filter can be modified to only show 1 or all users. It defaults to ALL users.
- Group by: Group the data by User, Date, Room, Guest Name, Reservation Number or Description.
- Sub-group: Sub-group the data by by User, Date, Room, Guest Name, Reservation Number or Description.
- Status: Use this section to select the reservation status you want to generate the report. It defaults to ALL status.
Type: Use this filter to sort out different transaction types. Those transaction types are as follows:
- Reservations: Transactions in a reservation
- House Accounts: Transactions in a house account
- Group Profile: Transactions in a group profile (only if you have Groups feature enabled).
- Click Apply to generate the report.
Generate report with criterias
Apply the following filters:
- Payment Type: Unselect the box Select all Credits (Payments), then scroll down to Cash and select that option by checking the box.
- Payment Date: Enter the date range or specific date you require.
- Associated Transactions: Unselect the box Select all Debits (Charges) and the box Select all Credits (Payments). Once both are unchecked, scroll down the credits column and select Cash.
- Posted / Pending Transactions: Click the drop-down arrow and unselect all and select Posted.
- Group By: If you are using a date range, this section you will want to group by Date. If you are using a specific date, then group by Room or reservation #.
- Sub-Group By: If you are using a date range, this section you will want to sub-group by Room. If you are using a specific date then this is optional.
- Click Apply.
Apply the following filters:
- Payment Type: Ensure that the box Select all Credits (Payments) is checked.
- Payment Date: Enter the date range or specific date you require.
- Associated Transactions: Unselect the box Select all Debits (Charges).
- Posted / Pending Transactions: Click the drop-down arrow, unselect all, and select Posted.
- Group By: Description
- Sub-Group By: Either Guest Name, RES #, or Room.
- Click Apply.
Many hoteliers charge deposits. So they may need to generate a list of advanced payments charged at any point in time to verify their reporting. Keep in mind that advanced payments would cause the difference between Revenue and Payments in the Daily Revenue Report (which can result in big Grand Total and Ledger numbers).
This section explains how to generate a list of advanced payments posted on a particular day or during a particular period of time (for both future and past reservations):
- If you need to check the amount of deposits held on a particular day, you need to generate a list of payments posted on that day for the guests arriving the following day or later.
- If you need to check it for a period of time, you'll also need to do the same but then extract the report and remove the payment transactions which were not advanced in the spreadsheet.
Apply the following filters:
- Payment Type: Select all.
- Payment Date: Select the desired date (e.g. the 1st of January).
- Associated Transactions: No Associated Transactions should be selected under the drop-down menu.
- Select Check-in Date range: It should be from the second day from the first payment date till any day far in the future (e.g. it should be from the 2nd of January until some date 2 years in the future).
- Type: Select reservations only.
- Click Apply.
You will have a list of payment transactions posted on the selected day (the 1st of January) for the reservations that are checking-in in the future. The report is ready and you can look up the final number.
If you are interested in a payment date range (e.g. the whole month of January), you need to generate the report, export the file and continue working on the spreadsheet.
Apply the following filters:
- Payment Type: Select all
- Select the desired Payment Date range (e.g. the whole month of January).
- No Associated Transactions should be selected under the drop-down menu.
- Select Check-in Date range: It should be from the second day from the first payment date until any day far in the future (e.g. it should be from the 2nd of January until somewhere in 2 years).
- Type: Select reservations only.
- Click Apply.
You will have the list of both "advanced" and "not advanced" payment transactions. Some of them were posted during the guest's stay. Unfortunately, you cannot remove them in the system, so in this case, you will need to export the generated report and delete the payments which were not advanced.
The instructions below describe the best way to do it in a Google Spreadsheet.
In the extracted report, you need to delete payment transactions posted on the day of the check-in or later. You can use the "IF formula" to mark those transactions. Then, you need to delete them and to recalculate the total.
The following instructions explain how to do it in detail.
Open the Excel file in the Google Spreadsheet:
- For your convenience, freeze the 1st row.
How: Click View > Freeze > 1 row. - Change the format for the following columns: B (Date/Time), I (check-in date) and J (check-out date). Switch from 'Plain Text' to 'Date'.
How: Select the 3 columns > Click Format > Number > Date. - Add an additional column at the end of the sheet (column P).
- On the new column, go ahead and apply an 'IF formula' to mark the non-advanced transactions.
How: Add the following formula: =ARRAYFORMULA(IF(I:I<=B:B,"N/A","ADVANCED")) to P1.
The formula says the following:
If the check-in date is less or equal to the payment date, it will be called "n/a", if not, it will be called "Advanced".
ARRAYFORMULA = Use this array formula in order to have the 'IF formula' applied to the whole column.
I:I<=B:B means: check-in date is less or equal to payment date/time.
"N/A","ADVANCED" =Excel will generate the results based on the 'IF formula' applied and they will be displayed as "N/A" (not applicable) and "Advanced". These are just the terms and you can use any other words.
Note that Both "N/A and "Advanced" should be added into parentheses, otherwise excel will not accept it.
5. Apply a filter to the column that you've just created.
How: Select the column that you've just created > click Create a Filter icon.

6. By using the filter that you've just created, go ahead and remove the "Advanced" transactions from the filter to have a list of only "non-advanced" transactions (N/A).
How: Click the filter icon > remove "Advanced" from the drop-down > Click OK to apply.

7. Select all the N/A rows and delete them.

8. Remove the filter.
How: Click the filter icon > turn off filter.

Now, you have only "Advanced" payment transactions on the list.
9. Recalculate the total.
How: Apply the sum formula on the last row.
- Click on the current total > Click the Functions icon > select SUM > select the 1st and the last column:row
- Example: =SUM(O2:O279)
See the example below, and note that the row numbers depend on the number of transactions/rows in your sheet.

Now you will see the total of "Advanced" payments.
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