Create or edit Registration Cards

  Registration Cards allow you to have a physical record of a guest's accommodation information for non-digital storage. This article explains how to create or edit your registration cards in Cloudbeds PMS.

Access and use

While your guest's information is also stored electronically in the Reservations section of Cloudbeds PMS, registration cards are also a great way to double-check information or receive details you may not have asked for during the booking process. It also allows you to accept a signed signature from the guest.

To access Registration Cards:

  1. In your AccountAccount menu icon.png, go to the Settings Settings icon.png and click on the Guests page Guests icon.png
  2. Click on Registration Cards

Registration cards_how to access.png

Edit Registration Cards

The Registration Cards section allows you to:

  1. Change language and default language when setting Registration Cards
  2. Edit the header image (See more below).
  3. Edit informational fields. Once you click Edit fields you have the following editing options:
    • Drag the different fields to rearrange their order on your Registration Card
    • Modify Registration Cards fields. This option allows to add more fields or remove unnecessary ones.
    • Click on Save to apply your changes.
  4. Add custom text (Terms and Conditions) in different languages, if needed.
  5. Edit footer text in different languages, if needed.

  For the header image in the Registration Cards, only jpg, jpeg, png, and gif formats are currently allowed.

Registration cards_edit registration cards.png

  The image must be 600 x 80 pixels. We recommend using a transparent gif or png for the best possible image quality.

  1. Click on ADD IMAGE
  2. Click on Upload Image, then click to browse the hard drive and select your image. You can also drag and drop your files on this screen.
  3. Click Done
  4. Save and Continue
  5. Click Save
  6. The new image will appear in the Registration Card header

Registration cards_change header image 1.png

Registration cards_change header image 2.png

Registration cards_change header image 3.png

Registration cards_change header image 4.png

Registration cards_change header image 5.png

Registration cards_change header image 6.png

  Are you uploading an image with the required specifications of 600x80 pixels, but the image still doesn't display in good quality? Sometimes, an image looks fine on digital screens but not as well when printed. If the image is intended to be printed at a standard 6x4 inch photo size, it will have the following dimensions: 4 inches tall and 6 inches wide.

To calculate the DPI (dots per inch), use the following formulas:

- DPI height = 600 pixels / 4 inches = 150 DPI
- DPI width = 80 pixels / 6 inches = 13.33 DPI

Therefore, the DPI of a 600x80 pixel image intended for a 4x6 inch print size is approximately 150 DPI DPI for height and 13.33 DPI for width.


  • Print quality is determined by multiplying the image's pixel dimensions by the printer's DPI.
  • Higher DPI and larger pixel dimensions contribute to better print quality.
  • Generally, 150-300 DPI is considered medium quality for most print needs, while 300 DPI and above is regarded as high quality for professional printing.

Print Registration Cards

  The following steps will print the Registration Card only for the primary guest.

  1. Access the needed reservation and click on Actions
  2. Choose Print Registration Cards
  3. Select the language to print the guest's Registration Card
  4. Click OK to confirm

Registration cards_print registration cards on the reservation page 1.png

Registration cards_print registration cards on the reservation page 2.png

  1. Go to Guest Details tab
  2. Select the guest name
  3. Click on Print Registration Card

Registration cards_print registration cards for the secondary guest on the same reservation.png

  Print Registration Cards separately, for each one of the reservation guests.

To print registration cards for all today's arrivals at once, follow the instruction below:

  1. Go to the main Menu Main menu icon.png and click on Dashboard 
  2. Click on the Print Reg Cards button
  3. Select the preferred language
  4. Click Ok. A document will be created with all the registration cards for today's arrivals containing the main guest of each reservation.

Registration cards_print registration cards for todays arrivals 1.png

Registration cards_print registration cards for todays arrivals 2.png

Registration cards_print registration cards for todays arrivals 3.png

  If an incorrect blank file is downloaded when clicking on Print Registration Card, find below some possible solutions to fix the issue:

  1. It is recommended to add Cloudbeds to the list of secured websites in McAfee extension (if you use one) or other security extensions if you use any.
  2. Disable the McAfee extension in Chrome (if it is used)
  3. Enable the feature "Download PDF file instead of automatically opening them" in Chrome:
    • On your computer, open Chrome
    • At the top right, click More Settings
    • At the bottom, click Advanced
    • Under Privacy and security, click Site settings
    • Near the bottom, click PDF documents
    • Turn on Download PDF files instead of automatically opening them in Chrome
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    Best regards!


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