Manage reservations on the calendar

Check the article below to see how to create and manage reservations from the Calendar.

How to Create

All courtesy holds, room blocks and reservations created on the calendar are synced with your Cloudbeds Booking Engine, Cloudbeds PMS, and all of your connected distribution channels.

  1. Option 1: Click on + and select New Reservation
  2. Option 2: click on the available dates on the calendar and select Create New Reservation
DEMO Mountain Resort and Spa - Calendar - Google Chrome
Reservation Summary

Clicking on a reservation will open a summary on the calendar. This can be used to gather quick info about the reservation:

  1. Check In and Check Out dates
  2. Number of guests
  3. ETA / Estimated Arrival Time (for Confirmed or Confirmation Pending reservations)
  4. Grand Total
  5. Balance Due

You may also have the following options depending on the status of your reservation:

6.   Check in (for pending Confirmation reservation), Confirm (For Confirmation Pending) or Check out Guest (For In House Reservations)
7.      Reservation details
8.      Un-assign room
9.      Quick Edit
10.     Lock/Unlock Assignments

If the guest is part of a group reservation, they will have a unique icon to the left of their name.

Reservation Notes

Clicking on the notes tab will show you all the notes currently written for the reservation.

Check out this article to learn more about Reservation Notes: Adding, viewing and archiving Reservation Notes

Reservation Assignments
  1. Click here to see all unassigned reservations. 
  2. You can auto assign all reservations. This may not work if you are already close to full occupancy.
  3. Check unassigned reservations, click on it and see on the calendar the highlighted available spots
  4. Select accommodation type and room#
  5. Or assign right on the calendar
  6. Click on the Assign button to save 
  7. Alternatively, click on one of the open spots that appear on the calendar to assign your reservation.

If you attempt to switch a reservation to a different room type, you will be asked to confirm the difference.

  • Override - removes any additional charges
  • Continue - confirms the cost of the upgrade (In the case as shown below, the Deluxe Queen and Deluxe King are priced the same so there is no additional cost.

Lock/unlock reservation assignments on the calendar. Check the following article for further details: Calendar - How to Lock/Unlock Assignments

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