Manage the Reservation Details Page tabs

The Reservation Details Page allows users to manage their reservations all from one centralized place. This article offers more details about each one of these tabs, what to find in each one of them and how to use all the functionalities effectively.

See this article for more information about the other sections of the Reservation Details Page.


The Reservation Details Page is organized in different tabs to facilitate a streamlined approach for classifying and managing all the aspects of a guest's reservation:

  1. Reservation and Guest Information: Include the reservation-specific details as well as the guest personal information.
  2. Notes and Documents: Allows to add, save and manage important information about your guest.
  3. Reservation Activity and Email Messages: For tracking and historical purposes.

1. Reservation and Guest Information

Columns overview
  1. Edit Reservation - A tool that allows you to change the details of your reservation (the length of stay and number of guests). Check this article to learn more.
  2. Res ID (reservation id) - The unique reservation ID generated by the system

For reservations with more than one room type, each subsequent room after the first will have the same ID with a number added to the end of it. Example: 8675309, 8675309-2, 8675309-3, etc.

  1. Type - The accommodation type booked to this reservation.
  2. Assignment - The specific room number assigned to the reservation, it is also possible to assign the room/bed here if you do not have the auto-assignment. Once assigned, the reservation will be displayed on the calendar page. Note that unassigning the room does not mean reservation cancellation.
  3. Guest - Shows the guest's name and the additional guest names, if applicable
  4. Arrival/Departure Date: Check-in /check-out dates
  5. Guests - Number of guests/children added
  6. Nights - The total number of nights of stay
  7. Total - Total amount of reservation (except additional items)
  8. Occupied - Shows whether or not a specific room is occupied yet by the guests in the reservation. You can also use this option to check-in or check-out guests by switching the icon.
  9. Edit - The drop-down menu includes multiple options to modify your reservation, such as the Quick Edit, Edit Reservation or Edit Price.
Edit Menu
  • Quick Edit - Quickly edit the check-in/check-out date and split the reservation;
  • Edit Price - Quickly edit the room rates. In order to keep accurate information, do not edit posted room rates using this feature. To do so, access the guest's folio in order to proceed with the adjustment;
  • Edit Reservation - This will take you to the main reservation page
  • Delete Accommodation - This will delete the accommodation from the reservation. 

It is not possible to restore an accommodation once it has been deleted.


The guest Folio is the place where you can manage all transactions for the corresponding reservation, including adding payments or applying refunds or adjust charges. All the transactions made will be displayed in this section.

Learn more about the Folio tab here.

Guest Details

Use the Guest Details tab to manage the corresponding guest's personal information. This tab allows to add and edit the guest details, print Registration Cards and more.

  • The Guest Details section may include fields with guest's Sensitive Personally Identifiable Information (PII). Such fields will be marked with the eye icon. The activity log will track all users that click on this icon.
  • The Property Owner can control who can view and edit PII guest's data on the Roles page.

Guest Info

  1. Edit Details - Click here to edit the guest information fields
  2. Print Registration Card - This option will allow you to select the language of the Registration Card and print it for your files
  3. Take Photo - Opens your device camera to take a guest's photo
  4. Upload Photo - Allows you to select an existing photo from your device and upload it to Cloudbeds PMS

If you have already selected 2 or more guests when creating a reservation, the Add guest button will appear to include additional guests to the reservation.

Guest Notes

  1. Add Notes - Specifically related to your guests, use this tab to include any additional information.
  2. Active Notes - Shows your active notes (not archived)
  3. Archived Notes - All your archived notes will be saved here

It is not currently possible to delete guest notes, but archive them.

Credit Cards

This tab allows you to save your guest's credit cards manually or with the Cloudbeds Payments Terminal. Learn more about how to Add and Edit Credit Card Details to a reservation.

2. Notes and Documents


The Notes tab is a separate space to add reservation notes within the guest's reservation. Learn more about how to add, view and archive notes in this article.


Use the Documents tab to upload files and other documents to attach to the reservation. This tab also includes the Invoices issued to the reservation.

Upload Reservation Documents

  1. In the Documents tab, select whether you want to attach the file to the Reservation or Guest profile
  2. Click to Upload and follow the instructions to drag and drop your file or upload it from your current device
  3. The uploaded file(s) will be displayed on the Document list. You can then manage them or remove them if necessary
  • Supported file types: pdf, rtf, doc, docx, txt, jpg, jpeg, png, gif, csv, txt, xls, xlsx.
  • All Invoices issued in the reservation will also be listed in the Documents Tab on the Invoices section.

3. Reservation Activity and Email Messages

Reservation Activity

The Reservation Activity tab shows all the changes made to a reservation by the system and/or user(s). In this tab, you will be able to:

  1. Track each activity made in this reservation: creation, importing, room assignment, rate changes, folio activity, documents uploaded, etc.
  2. Find detailed information such as the date, time and user who took this action.
  3. Use date and users Filters to refine your search for a specific activity.

Click on the (+) icon next to the Date and Time or to the specific change made, to unfold for more details.

Email Messages

Allows you to track the email messages that have been sent to the customer's email address, including the template name and the email subject.

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