Cloudbeds Billing Portal - How to Use It for Groups?

If you own multiple accounts and would want to manage all of the billing in one place - then Group Billing is the best solution for you. With this functionality Cloudbeds offers the possibility to contain an indefinite number of properties in order to centralize the billing for all of your accounts in one single billing portal. 


  1. Single invoice date: all the accounts from the same group will be billed on the same date and the system will issue a single invoice with the account details which are part of this group. In order to set a single invoice date, the system issues a prorated invoice for the properties.
  2. Universal billing information: the information entered in the billing portal, will be used to generate all invoices and charges for all the accounts.

Contact our customer support team in order to request assistance with the creation of a billing group. 

How to access group billing portal

Log into any Cloudbeds account that belongs to the billing group and access billing portal.

  1. Account
  2. Select Billing Portal
  1. Click on Billing settings
  2. On Business details section, click Edit button

Billing Information

All the data on this page will be used as Billing Information for the whole group. You can edit any information by clicking on the Edit button:

The email address will be used to send all billing related communications regarding your billing group. Ensure that this email is always current.

How to update your e-mail

If you wish to change the e-mail, follow these instructions.

If you don't have access to your old email address, contact our support team.

Subscription Tab

All the packages which are used by the group will be listed in this section. You may also chose to cancel any of the current trials before they become active, by following the steps below:

  1. Subscription
  2. Select an account from a dropdown
  3. Click on the three-dot icon
  4. Select Request cancellation on the trial you would like to cancel
  5. Click on Yes when the pop-up message shows up


Check all the information about the group invoices below:

  1. Invoices ID: You may include this ID number in the inquires that you send to our Support team, if needed
  2. Status: shows if the invoice is paid or unpaid
  3. Date due: the last day to pay the invoice before the account becomes overdue. This is NOT the invoice date. 
  4. Date paid: the date when the invoice was paid
  5. Payment method: Payment type(s) used to pay the invoice
  6. Balance: remaining amount to be paid for the invoice. Partially paid invoices will show a balance due
  7. Total: the total amount of each invoice
  8. View invoice (three-dot icon): click to view and download the invoice

For further details about any specific fields inside your Cloudbeds invoices, refer to the following article - Billing Portal Invoices

How to cancel accounts from the billing group

Account cancellations can be done for individual members of the group or for all properties. You will be able to select the properties that you wish to cancel.

Refer to the following articles in order to request a cancellation: How do I cancel or my Cloudbeds account?

How can I see the previous invoices that were generated for the accounts in my group?

After creating a group, all new invoices for the group will be created under this new billing portal. However, you will still have access to previous invoices from the billing portals of the properties that are members of your group.

Follow the steps below to review the invoices that were created for individual properties before they joined the group:

  1. Click on Invoices
  2. Under the Invoices tab, click on Invoice history 
  3. Select the property that you want to review
  4. A list of that property’s invoices will be displayed
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