Cloudbeds Billing Portal - Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can I do a bank transfer?

Yes, although it is not the recommnended option. Please check out: Setting up payment options for your Cloudbeds account

2. Can I send a check?

We do not accept checks - please use one of the other payment options.

3. How long is the period for annual payment?

The annual payment will be from 12 months from your current invoice date. This could be immediately when entering your credit card information or if you have already paid for a period of time it will extend 12 months from that date.

4. When do I get billed if my recurring plan is annual?

With annual payments you will be billed immediately after you enter billing information.

5. What happens if I change my recurring plan while I still have an outstanding invoice?

You must pay the outstanding invoice first. As soon as your payment information is added, the system will charge the outstanding invoice (if any) in addition to the new monthly/annual invoice. Your next payment date will be updated to reflect both invoice payments.


  • Let's say today is January 5, 2017.
  • You have an outstanding monthly invoice that was generated on January 1 for the month of January.
  • If you change the payment period from monthly to annual payment, the following will occur:
    1. Your card will be charged immediately for the January 1 invoice.
    2. Your card will be charged immediately for the annual invoice.
    3. Your next payment date will be forwarded to 13 months in the future - changing it to February 1, 2018.
6. What if I changed my currency selection, and I want to revert back?

The currency setting can only be changed once - it cannot be changed again. If you need help, please reach out to out support team at

7. What if my desired currency is not shown?

Currently, we only support the currencies listed on the 'Default Currency Designation' section of this article.  You must select one of these currencies.

8. How do you determine the exchange between my old and new currency?

We receive updated exchange rates on a daily basis from

When you choose to change your currency, the exchange rate is automatically calculated from today's exchange rate.

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