Ambiance (by Dormakaba) - Troubleshooting

Possible errors:

Status error 500 - means that the Dormakaba service is offline. 

Disconnecting the Dormakaba app or uninstalling the Cloudbeds Integrator will remove access to the Key Cards tab on the reservation screen. Data is still stored for the case of reconnecting the app on the app files in the Windows folder.

How to share logs with Cloudbeds support?

To share logs with our support team go to the Cloudbeds Integrator App.

  1. Click the Settings button in the upper right corner.
Google Keep - Google Chrome
  1. Click Open Log File, this will open the file in a text editor.  
  2. Click File->Save to save this file to your computer.
  1. Follow the same steps with the Open App Log File button.
  2. Attach these files to the email you send to Cloudbeds support.
How to reinstall the app?

To uninstall or reinstall the Cloudbeds Integrator app go to:

  1. Programs and Features section of the Windows Control Panel.
  2. Find the application, and click to uninstall.
  1. Or, you can go back to the Cloudbeds Marketplace, download the app again, and restart the connection.
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