Understanding your monthly statement is crucial for effective financial management. Your Cloudbeds Payments statement provides a clear overview of transactions, fees, and payouts. Here's a detailed guide to help you interpret it, whether you’re on the Blended Rate or IC+ pricing models.
Monthly Statement: Blended Rate Version
The monthly statement for properties using the Blended Rate model consists of three key sections:
1. Summary by Card Type
This section provides a detailed breakdown of all transactions processed during the month, regardless of whether they were included in a payout.
Reconciliation Tip: Match these transactions with your Payment Processing Report using the filters:
- Status: ‘Successful’
- Payment Type: ‘Gateway Payment’ & ‘Gateway Refund’
- Learn how to access the Payment Processing Report here.
2. Amount Funded by Payout
This section lists all deposits (payout batches) sent to your bank account.
- Key Note: A deposit may include transactions from a previous month, meaning the amounts might differ from the "Summary by Card Type."
- For a detailed breakdown, refer to the Payout Report, available for download.
3. Adjustments/Chargebacks
This section logs all adjustments to payouts, including:
- Chargebacks: Disputed charges.
- Manual Corrections: Adjustments are entered manually to rectify errors.
Important: These amounts are already deducted from the totals in the "Amount Funded by Payout" section.
CBP Fee Assessment
This subsection outlines additional fees associated with your transactions:
- Void Fee: Charged for processing an authorization and then voiding it.
- Refund Fee: Charged for processing a refund.
- Chargeback Fee: Charged for managing chargebacks.
- Failed Transaction Fee: Charged to cover processing costs for failed transactions.
- Adjustment: Corrections to previous transactions.
Manual Correction: Adjustments to fix errors manually.
Monthly Statement: IC+ Version
IC+ or IC++ (Interchange plus) model, or Cost+, is an alternative to blended rate pricing, offering an added layer of transparency. The monthly statement for properties using the IC+ (Interchange Plus) pricing model contains six key sections:
1. Summary by Card Type
A breakdown of all transactions processed during the statement period, regardless of payout status.
2. Fee Summary
This section details the fees incurred during the month:
- Pass-thru Fees: Costs from credit card networks and card brands.
- Cloudbeds Facilitation Fees: Fees for facilitating payments and ongoing development of new features.
- Fees Subtotal: The combined total of Pass-thru Fees and Facilitation Fees.
- Fees Paid: Total fees deducted from transactions processed during the month.
Fees Owed: The difference between the Fees Subtotal and Fees Paid.
- Positive Balance: Deducted from next month’s statement.
Negative Balance: Credited on next month’s statement.
3. Amount Funded by Payout
A detailed list of all deposits sent to your bank account.
- Note: Deposits may include transactions from different months, causing variations with the "Summary by Card Type."
- Download the complete breakdown in your Payout Report.
4. Adjustments/Chargebacks
Any adjustments on any of the payouts received will be logged in the Adjustments/Chargeback section of your statement.
Important: These adjustments are already factored into the "Amount Funded by Payout" totals.
CBP Fee Assessment
The same fee structure applies here as in the Blended Rate model:
- Void Fee
- Refund Fee
- Adjustment
- Manual Correction
CBP Fee Assessment - Cost+
This fee reflects the balance carried forward from the previous month’s statement, located in the "Fee Summary."
5. Pass-thru Fees
This is the monthly fees incurred from card networks and brands.
6. Cloudbeds Facilitation Fees
These fees are the processing fees charged by Cloudbeds and Pass-thru Fees.
They are summarized in the Fee Summary section for easy tracking.
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