Use this report to compare the recorded income with the actual payments received and identify any discrepancies or errors in the financial records.
Access and use
From the Main Menu click on Classic reports
Go to Daily Activity Reports and click on Payment Reconciliation Report
Customize the filters
Click Apply
Filters and Payments Table
When you open the report, you can filter by:
Date Range: By default, it will show today’s date every time you access the report
Users: Displays their name and role
Separate by User: Use the toggle to view all entries together or separately by user
When your reports show that the user SYSTEM has taken action, it typically indicates that a super admin has manually made changes to a specific property or that Cloudbeds PMS has automatically performed a scheduled task.
After applying the filters, the table will show a list of reservations with the following fields:
- User
- Category: Payment methods
- Amount
The payment methods are clickable and will take you to a transaction report with a detailed list of payments that compose that total. The payment methods vary between properties.
Find out more about them in our Payment Options section.
Email and Export To option
Find the Email or the Export To button at the top right corner of the page to send the report via email as an attachment or download it as a PDF or Excel file.
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