How to set up Belgium Statistics (Statbel)

You can add Statistics Belgium (Statbel) Integration in the Cloudbeds marketplace. This is a free integration which Cloudbeds provides in Germany.

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Why do I need it?

The Belgium Statistics report is a report that must be uploaded to Statistics Belgium (Statbel) on a monthly basis. The report consists of data for each reservation that was in-house during the month including purpose of voyage, number of people that arrived, number of overnight stays, the region in Belgium where the hotel is located and the type of accommodation that the guests were staying in. The report that is generated by Cloudbeds matches the requirements from Statbel, making it easy to simply upload the data generated by Cloudbeds to Statbel.

 You will need an account with Statistics Belgium (Statbel) to upload the report once it has been generated.  The data from the .csv reports can be uploaded directly to Statbel on their website here.

  • If your business is required to provide this statistical information to Statbel monthly, you must upload the file generated by Cloudbeds to Statbel each month.
  • Follow these instructions if you need to disconnect the app.

How to set up

  1. Connect the Statistics Belgium (Statbel) app in the Marketplace: How to Connect an App to Cloudbeds PMS
  2. After you click to Connect App, you will be prompted to authorize the app to access specific data from your Cloudbeds account.  
  3. Once the integration is enabled, the system will generate a statistics report for your property on the first day of each month.

How to use it

  1. Once enabled, a report in .csv format will be generated on the first day of each month for the previous month.
  2. Generated Reports can be accessed from the Documents option in the Cloudbeds main menu.

Belgium Statistics (Statbel) 1.png

  1. The most recent documents will be displayed at the top of the Documents list. To search for the Belgium Statistics report, type “belgium_statistics_MM_YY” where MM is the full name of the month and year is the 4-digit year, for example: “belgium_statistics_january_2024”.

Belgium Statistics (Statbel) 2.png

  1. Select the Download icon at the end to download the .csv report.
  2. Login to Statbel and enter in the data from the .csv file. 

Belgium Statistics (Statbel) 3.png

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