Edit reservations

In this article, you will find instructions on how to edit reservations in Cloudbeds PMS. Edit guest's name, change dates, reassign reservations, make a split reservation and more.

📲 To learn how to edit reservations in the Cloudbeds App, click here.

Edit reservation details

Edit reservation on the Reservation Details page
  1. Access the reservation to edit by searching for the customer's name or reservation ID in the Top Menu. You can also look for the reservation by accessing the Reservations Page
  2. Click on Edit reservation
  3. Select the accommodation you wish to edit from the left column. Here you can change occupancy, extend or shorten stays, and change rates
  4. When you are done making changes, simply click Update
  5. If any other change is needed, apply it and click on Save updates

Make sure that the reservation summary (subtotal, grand total, etc) is correct before saving your changes.

Edit reservation room rate
Option 1 - Using Edit Price

The steps below only apply for future reservations. If you need to update past reservations rates (already posted to guest's folio), check out this article: How to Adjust Charge / Add Adjustment to a Reservation

  1. Access the reservation that you need to edit and click on the three dots icon ( ⋮ )
  2. Click Edit Price
  3. Update the rate as needed
  4. Click Save Updates
Option 2 - Using Edit Reservation

The steps below only apply for future reservations. If you need to update past reservations rates (already posted to guest's folio), check out this article: How to Adjust Charge / Add Adjustment to a Reservation

  1. Access the reservation that you need to edit and click Edit Reservation
  2. On the left side, click on the accommodation to edit
  3. Click Edit on the corresponding room type line
  1. Edit the room rates as needed
  2. Click Apply
  3. Click Update
  4. Review the reservation summary
  5. Save Updates
Edit reservation dates
Option 1 - Using Quick Edit

This option will be useful for extending reservations for a short period of time.

  1. Access the reservation that you need to edit and click on the three dots icon ( ⋮ )
  2. Click on Quick Edit
  3. Modify the reservation's date by checking/unchecking the checkboxes and select the new reservation date
  4. Click Save Updates
  • Make sure to select consecutive dates (it's not possible to have gaps between the selected dates)
  • For split reservation option, check out this article from our Knowledge Base: How to edit reservation
Option 2 - Using Edit Reservation

This option will be useful for long stays.

  1. Access the appropriate reservation and click to Edit Reservation
  2. On the left side, select the accommodation  
  3. Select the new check in and check out dates
  4. Click Search to check the availability
  1. Click to Update
  2. The new dates will be reflected in the accommodation panel (left side of the screen)
  3. Save updates
Add or edit guests on a new reservation
  1. When you are creating a new reservation, you have the option to choose how many guests you want to add to this reservation.
  2. Click Add
  3. Go to the Booking details
  4. On the Reservation Details page, after filling in the primary guest information, click on the Guests button to create the second guest profile

Remember: You cannot add more guests that the room occupancy.

  1. Click on the Guest 2 tab and fill in the guest details to complete the reservation process. Follow the same process if you have more than 2 guests on the same reservation.

By leaving the Guest 1 details blank, the system will populate the fields with the Primary Guest information entered on the previous page.

  1. Proceed to include the reservation add-ons or proceed to Confirm and pay
  2. Now you have both guests assigned to the reservation

Use the Accommodations section on the left side to select the accommodation and assign a room number or bed to this accommodation. After you have selected accommodation (if you have more than one), you can add additional guests for each accommodation.

Add an additional guest to an existing reservation
  1. Click on the Add guest button. Important: This button will only be displayed if you have already selected 2 or more guests when creating the reservation
  2. Fill out the new guest's information
  3. Click Save
  4. The recently added guest will be added to the left side list of guests
  • If you have repeat guests, start typing the name or email and the system will suggest the auto fill of the guest's details or you can simply add a new profile.
  • If you choose an auto fill option for the guest who has previously stayed, the system will not only copy the guest details, but it will also copy the documents uploaded to this guest reservation.
  • Reach out to our Support Team if the auto fill feature is not available for your property.

Learn more about the Guest Details tab.

Assign a room to the additional guest by selecting the corresponding one in the Assignment drop-down menu.

Reassign reservations

In the Calendar

Before getting started, check if the room that the reservation will be reassigned to is available to up-sell for the required dates.

  1. Access the Calendar by clicking on the Main Menu
  2. Click on the initial reservation and drag reservation to the desired room
  1. There will be an alert while dragging a reservation to the room which has a different price. This alert will notify you about the price difference and you have the following options:
    • Continue: Reservation will be re-assigned to a new room. In case there's a price difference, the system will ask for confirmation to continue and once confirmed, and the price will be risen or lowered according to the new room cost.
    • Override: Reservation will be re-assigned to a new room, but the price will remain the same in case of price difference.
    • Cancel: Reservation won't be reassigned.
To another accommodation (same room type)
  1. Access the reservation and in the Accommodations tab, click the room assignment drop-down
  2. Select the new room unit for the guest
  3. The new accommodation will be automatically updated. In the example below, from DDR(2) to DDR(3)

A red asterisk/star in the accommodation assignment means that the current status is dirty/needs inspection.

To another accommodation (different room type)
  1. Access the reservation, go to Accommodations section and click Edit Reservation
  2. Click on the room which needs to be edited and change the check-in/check-out dates (if needed)
  3. Click Search
  1. Click Update next to the room which you want to assign to this guest
  2. You will see Accommodation Changed pop-up in the left down corner, and the the accommodation will be updated in the left-side panel
  3. Save updates
  • It is possible to reassign reservations on the calendar with status Confirmation pending,  Confirmed and In-House.
  • Reservation should be for the future dates or have at least one stay over day left before checkout.
  • It is not possible to drag and drop any past reservations or reservation with status In-house with check-out date today. Learn more here: Troubleshoot drag and drop reservations on the calendar
With past dates

If the reservation is already Checked-Out, the system will not allow you to reassign or edit it. You will need to change its status to Confirmation Pending or Confirmed, perform the required changes and then check-out the reservation again.

  1. Click on the reservation and click to Un-assign room
  2. Click on the unassigned reservation and see the possible rooms on the calendar to reassign it
  3. Choose the room and click on it to assign the reservation
  4. The reservation will be assigned to the new room

Split and combine

Split reservation in the Reservation Details page
Using Quick Edit
  1. In the Reservation Details page, click on the ( ⋮ ) icon
  2. Select Quick Edit next to the accommodation to split
  1. Click on Add Split
  2. Select the accommodation type for the split and uncheck the days from the first room
  3. Select the same accommodation type and check the dates for the second room
  4. Save updates
Using Edit Reservation

To create reservations using the Edit Reservation option, see: Create a new reservation using the Split View option

  1. In the Accommodations tab of the Reservation Details page, click on Edit Reservation
  2. Click on the accommodation to be edited
  3. Enter the new Check-In and Check-Out Dates
  4. Ensure that The view option is set to SPLIT
  5. Click the Search Button to check for availability

The dotted line with the flag symbol represents that particular reservation has split accommodations and will require room moves during their stay.

  1. Click Add Split
  2. Select Accommodation Type for the split
  3. Uncheck the stay dates from the first room, and check them for the second room, chosen for the split
  1. Click Update
  2. Check the info in the Accommodation section
  3. Save Updates
Split reservation in the Calendar
  1. Access your Calendar and in the needed reservation, click on the Quick Edit function
  2. Click on Add Split and select accommodation type and name
  3. Uncheck the required dates on the first part of the reservation and select them on the second part of your split
  4. Save Updates
  5. The split reservation will appear updated in the Calendar

There shouldn't be a gap between the dates in a split reservation.

Combine split reservation in the Reservation Details page
  1. In the Accommodations tab of the needed reservation, click on the Quick Edit
  2. Remove the required split
  3. Add the needed days to the first part of the split
  4. Save updates
Combine split reservation in the Calendar
  1. Access your Calendar and in the needed reservation, click on the Edit Split
  2. Remove the required split
  3. Add the needed days to the first part of the split
  4. Save updates
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  • i still can not find editing an existing reservation for a past date. 

  • Hello, Thegreenbeachresort!!

    Thank you very much for asking this question! 

    For editing reservations for past dates, please ensure your user has the corresponding privileges/permissions to perform this action. For more information, please access this section (option 6 - Create/Edit reservations/Block for past dates)

    If you need further assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out to our Support Team.

    Kind regards!


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