Configure Chatbot Automations

With Whistle for Cloudbeds Chatbot Automation you can set responses for conversational frequently asked questions from guests. Check in this article how to:

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1 - Settings:

Enable Chatbot Automations

  1. Access the Automations automations.pngpage
  2. Select Settings under Chatbot Automations
  3. Switch the toggle to enable:
    • Chatbot automations - automated Actions, internal notifications or tickets.
    • Guest replies for Live Chat - automated Replies,  answering specific questions within Live Chat.
    • Guest replies for Guest Chat - automated Replies, answering specific questions within Guest Chat.

In the Automations settings page you can also enable automatic translations:

  1. Inbound - automatically translates messages from guests.
  2. Outbound - automatically translates messages to guests.
  • When the chatbot responds to inquiries in languages other than English, a small translation fee will be deducted from your existing credit balance. Costs may vary depending on the number of characters per message.

Enable Content Sources

In the content sources, you can enable auto-generated responses based on data from the most popular hotel-based responses in those sources, for example, TripAdvisor.

  1. Switch the toggle to enable a source
  1. Insert your source URL
  2. Select the tone of the generated messages:
    • Professional - This tone maintains a formal and courteous approach suitable for official communications, inquiries, and responses requiring a high level of professionalism.
    • Friendly - A warm and welcoming tone that aims to create a friendly atmosphere, making guests feel comfortable and valued during their interactions.
    • Casual - A relaxed and informal tone suitable for casual conversations, recommendations, and non-urgent queries, helping to establish a more laid-back atmosphere.
    • Polished - Conveys a refined and polished tone, ideal for upscale hotels and luxury experiences, aiming to exude sophistication and elegance in all communications.
    • Humorous - Incorporates light-hearted humor and wit into interactions, adding a touch of entertainment and personality to the messaging experience, when appropriate and well-received.
  3. Click to generate

The source and tone selected will auto-generate the responses into a Most Popular folder in your Intent Actions & Replies section:

2 - Configure Intent Actions and Replies

Intent actions and replies allow you to detect guest messages that match the configured questions and trigger automated actions and replies.

  1. Access the Automations automations.pngpage
  2. Go to Intent Actions & Replies

This page has hundreds of popular questions split by Most Popular, Direct Booking Integration and Advanced (by category). You can go through each section and configure the responses specifically for your property. 

  1. Switch the toggle on/off if you want to enable/disable this option
  2. Click on to add actions
  3. Click the next to the question you wish to adjust to view the reply:
    • To edit, click the action
    • To add a new response, click
    • To remove old responses, click .

Create an Action

  1. Select the Message Sentiment - if you don't know what to choose, select any.
  2. Chose your Action Type
    • Create a Ticket - Automatically creates a task and dispatches to the selected department
    • Reply to Guest - Set the response you want the guest to receive
    • Notify a Team Chat Channel - Alert a team internally
    • Send an Email - Send a custom email to the email address of your choice
    • Sent a Text - Create your own customized text alerts

  1. Enter a message/response
  2. Add a reply button (optional - available within Live Chat responses only)
  3. Click to save
    • Button options:
      • Intents - Use to suggest an action or response from a guest
      • External URL - Link to any website you would like to send the guest
      • Date Picker - A calendar view for a guest to be able to pick a date(s)

3 - Configure Keywords and Commands

Guest messages that match the configured keyword commands will have this trigger dispatched.

  1. Access the Keyword Commands tab
  2. Click to
  3. Click to under command text (word/phrase)
  4. Select the Message Sentiment - if you don't know what to chose select any
  5. Select your Action Type
  6. Save

4 - Configure Sentiment Actions

Guest messages with the configured sentiment (positive, negative) will have this trigger dispatched.

  1. Access the Sentiment Actions tab
  2. Click to add
  3. Select Sentiment Category - Positive / Negative
  4. Select the Action Type
  5. Save

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