Visionline (Assa Abloy) FAQ

Here are the most frequently asked questions about Visionline.

1. Why can't I issue the key? The button is not active.

Only reservations with the status Confirmed and In-House can have new key cards issued. The Issue Key Cards button will be inactive for other reservation statuses.

2. Does the Visionline (Assa Abloy) integration work with multiple Cloudbeds accounts?

No. One Visionline system can link to one Cloudbeds account.

3. How do you issue key cards with default doors?

For example, default doors or main entrance doors need to be set up in Visionline. Cloudbeds does not allow default doors to be added to key cards separately.

4. What is the difference between mobile keys and key cards?

A mobile key is a technology that turns guests’ phones into keys that open doors, making the check-in process contactless.

Key cards are physical cards that are obtained at the front desk during the check-in process. This process isn't contactless, but it’s more common because many hotels have this type of lock system.

5. Can Cloudbeds issue mobile keys via Visionline (Assa Abloy) integration?

No, Cloudbeds integration with Visionline can only issue guests' key cards.

6. Can I use other door lock applications along with the Visionline (Assa Abloy) integration?

Yes, you can use partner integrations (like Duve, Lynx, Operto, Flexipass) with Assa Abloy to provide guests with mobile keys.

Cloudbeds integration with Assa Abloy allows you to issue key cards directly in the reservation system window.

These integrations are complimentary to Cloudbeds integration, and you are invited to use both to improve the overall guest experience.

7. Can I manage staff cards or single-use key cards through Cloudbeds?

No, staff and admin access needs to be managed through Visionline. Cloudbeds integration is focused only on guest key cards.

8. Can I see key card logs in Cloudbeds?

Some logs are accessible in Cloudbeds, while others must be accessed in Visionline.

In Cloudbeds, you can see all reservations activity in regards to encoding cards, for example:

Visionline (Assa Abloy) Key card logs.png

All other logs can be accessed directly from Visionline.

9. How do I obtain the credentials once they are lost?

You can either reinstall the app or run this in your command line:

"Cloudbeds Integrator.exe" config:dump

It will show you the prompt with the keys.

10. Why are some common areas preselected?

All doors added to the PMS Common area in the Visionline system will always appear as preselected in the Cloudbeds interface.

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