Reset or disable credit card viewing password

This article explains how to reset a credit card viewing password, as well as how to disable it for specific property users within Cloudbeds PMS.

Looking for how to grant or set up the credit card viewing password? Click here.

Reset credit card viewing password
  • Only user logged in as Property Owner has access to Security page to grant or remove credit card viewing permission from other users (not even Cloudbeds Support Team).
  • A property owner can reset the credit card password for any authorized staff once they setup their credit card viewing password. When the password is reset, it will no longer valid; this creates an additional layer of protection to guest data.
  1. Click on the Account menu, and select My Profile
  2. Click Reset credit card viewing passcode.
  1. Click Reset and a reset password link will be sent to your email.
  2. Click OK to close the pop up window
  1. You should receive Credit Card Viewing Password Reset email, click on the Reset Password link, and follow further instructions on the screen.
Disable credit card viewing privileges
  • Property owner can grant credit card viewing permission to other users and they can also remove the permission if it is no longer needed.
  • Only user logged in as Property Owner has access to the Security page to grant or remove credit card viewing permission from other users (not even Cloudbeds Support Team).
  1. In your Account menu, go to the Settings Page and click on Security
  2. In the user which credit card password will be disabled, switch the toggle in column Access to disable it accordingly
  3. Click Apply
  1. Review the warning on the screen to ensure only the correct users have access
  2. Click Confirm
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  • The third option, highlighted in yellow, does not appear on my screen....

  • Hi there, Martin!

    Thank you for your comment. 💙

    I can see that you were able to contact our Support Team regarding this situation.

    As our team explained, this option will only appear once your user gains permission to view credit card information. This permission can only be granted by the property owner.

    If you need further assistance with this or any other matter, please feel free to contact our 24/7 Support Team.

    Best Regards,


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