Subscribe to/Unsubscribe from Cloudbeds email notifications

Check the instructions below to receive marketing e-mails from Cloudbeds. There are also instructions provided on how to cancel the subscription, if needed.

How to subscribe

  1. Go to the Cloudbeds official website blog and go to the Subscribe box
  2. Enter your email information
  3. Click Subscribe

Once subscribed, the subscription box will be automatically updated as shown below:

How to unsubscribe

There are two options to unsubscribe from Cloudbeds emails:

1. Option 1 - Direct access to our Email Preference Center
  1. Go to the Email Preference Center and enter your email address
  2. Set your preferences
  3. Click Save Preferences
2. Option 2 - Open the subscription email to unsubscribe
  1. Open the subscription email you've originally received from Cloudbeds, and scroll down to click on Unsubscribe or Update your preferences. You will be taken to the Email Preference Center to confirm, or to re-subscribe.
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