Disconnect Booking.com from Cloudbeds PMS

The connection between Cloudbeds channel manager and Booking.com can only be controlled through your Booking.com extranet. Cloudbeds support team cannot disconnect the channel manager from Booking.com on your behalf.

Until this process is completed by the property, Booking.com will continue to allow the channel manager to control your property's rates and availability.

Deactivate the connection

Cloudbeds Instructions

On your Channels Distribution page,

  1. Find Booking.com and open the menu
  2. Click to disable

Read the warning message carefully and click on Confirm

Disabling the channel will stop rate and availability updates from the channel manager and new bookings will no longer be imported. This process does not stop rooms from being bookable on Booking.com.

Once you confirm, proceed with the Booking.com Instructions below:

Booking.com Instructions

Login to your Booking.com extranet

  1. Click on the Account icon in the top right-hand corner
  2. Choose Connectivity Provider from the drop-down
  3. Click on Disconnect

Follow the rest of the Booking.com instructions, and if you have further questions about the Booking.com extranet, please contact the Booking.com support team directly.

Classic Savannah Apartment on Harris at Bull · - Google Chrome
Classic Savannah Apartment on Harris at Bull · Connection active - Google Chrome
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