How to change my support satisfaction rate

Customer satisfaction plays an important role in any business. It is one of the main indicators of our support team's performance. We aim to keep our customer satisfaction score high and always strive to provide the best support.

However, we understand that bad reviews are inevitable. When that happens, our team will do our best to understand how to improve and do so to the best of our ability. In return, we would highly appreciate it if you could change/revert your bad rating to a good one if we did well assisting you.

This article will walk you through the steps to do so.

Steps to change your support satisfaction rate

1. Locate your ticket number

Whenever you open a ticket with our support team, you will receive an automatic email with your ticket number saying that your request/inquiry was received. This number is located in both the email's subject and content.

2. Go to the CSAT survey page

Copy the following URL to access the CSAT survey page: replace_this_with_the_ticket_number

  You can also access the ticket by clicking the ticket number in the email.

3. Click 'Change my rating'

Change My Rating Button Example

4. Click 'Good, I'm satisfied' and 'Submit my rating'

Submit My Rating Example

  If you are not signed in to the email address used to submit your ticket, the system will prompt you to log in to your email address. You will need to sign in first before being able to adjust your rating.

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  • I followed the instructions and there is not a "Change my rating" button on the page.  Maybe thats because the ticket has been resolved.  If it can be changed, I'm willing to change my rating from bad to good.  Thanks in advance!

  • Hello, Anthony Vaughans!

    Thank you very much for reaching out! We are glad to hear from you 💙

    We appreciate you letting us know about the "Change my rating" missing button. We are already investigating the issue to update this article, and our Support Team will contact you for further assistance with your request. 

    Thank you very much! ⭐


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