Invoices Report

Cloudbeds has created a report that brings all of your invoices into one place. Here you can search and filter out the invoices, view them in a new window or download if needed. You can also email the invoice to the primary guest from the report.

This report shows all invoices including the ones generated under the Groups module.

New! If you have the Advanced Invoicing feature enabled, you may want to check out our new report Invoices and Credit Notes available inside Cloudbeds Reports. The Invoices and Credit Notes report includes Invoice Type and Invoice Status that tells you if the invoice type is Invoice or Credit Notes and if the status Paid, Open or Voided.


Property owner has access to Financial Reports by default. Other users must be granted permission inside Roles. Learn more: Roles and Permissions

  1. Click Menu.
  2. Click Reports.
  3. Select Financial Reports.
  4. Click Invoices Report.
[Demo] Bali Jungle Resort -


The invoices can be filtered by the following criteria:

  1. Invoice number.
  2. Reservation number or guest name.
  3. Check-in date of reservation.
  4. Check-out date of reservation.
  5. Date booked of reservation.
  6. Reservation status.
  7. Date the invoice was created.
    • To maintain good loading speed, the report has a default selection of the last three days. When using the filter Date Created, it's not possible to select more than 3 months.
  8. Reservation source.
  9. Click Apply to generate a report.

View report

The list of invoices will be displayed in a table. You will find the following columns in the Invoice Report:

  1. Invoice Created (Date)
  2. Invoice Number
  3. Date Booked
  4. Check-in Date
  5. Check-out Date
  6. Reservation Number
  7. Guest Name
  8. Reservation Status
  9. Source
  10. Actions (click the gear icon)
    • Open invoice: This will open the invoice in a new tab where you can download or print it.
    • Email invoice: Send the invoice via email to your guest. If there are multiple guests in the reservation, the email will be sent to primary guest.

Email or export to PDF/Excel

Click the button to send the report via email or export it to PDF/Excel.

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