This tutorial explains how to export financial information from myfrontdesk and how to import it to your Quickbooks account. Please remember that Quickbooks has their own pricing to register an account with them. Please, reach out to Quickbooks' support team to know more details.
Once you log in your myfrontdesk account:
- Navigate to the Reports Tab -> Financial Reports -> Payment Ledger
- Select the payment type(s) that you would like to export
- Choose the Payment Date Interval
- If you do not want to export 'Associated Transactions', go ahead and remove all the options from this menu
- Select the reservation status (in this example, we are not taking into consideration canceled and no-show reservations)
- Click on 'Apply' to generate the report
- Then, click on "Export to -> Excel"
Feel free to filter the transactions based on your needs.
The 'void' transactions (highlighted in red on the report), will be shown under 'Spent' column in your Quickbooks account.
Before importing the file, please make sure that all the requirements below are met.
First of all, you must separate 'date' from 'time', otherwise, Quickbooks will not accept the file:
- Add a new column
- Select all data from 'Date/Time' column
Note that merged cells are not accepted! - On Excel menu, click on 'Data' -> 'Text to Columns'
- Select 'Fixed width' and click on next
Click on 'Next' again - Select the option 'Date' and choose DMY (Date / Month / Year)
Click on 'Finish' - Delete the 'GRAND TOTAL' at the bottom of the sheet
Now you have 'Date' and 'Time' as separate columns as shown below:
Now, your sheet is ready to be imported. Go ahead and save it as CSV (comma delimited).
Sign in to your Quickbooks account:
- Navigate to the 'Banking' tab
- Under Update drop-down menu, select 'File Upload'
3. Click on 'Browse' and upload the correct file
Note: The sheet should have the CSV formatting (separate by comma).
4. Select an account to upload the file (you must choose your bank account)
5. For each bank account field, choose a Quickbooks' field:
*Date - Go ahead and select the corresponding column in the Excel sheet
*Choose the date formatting (dd/mm/yyyy)
*Description - You can choose any type of description; it can be the room number/guest's name, reservation ID, etc
(Tip: the reservation ID will help you to find the transaction easily in the future)
*Amount - This option corresponds to the column 'Credit' in your Excel sheet
* Choose 1 or 2 column (it depends on your bank account)
6. Click on Next
7. If Quickbooks doesn't display any alerts, click on "Next" to confirm
Once you upload the file successfully, Quickbooks will redirect you to the Dashboard
On this screen, you will be able to see all transactions uploaded under the 'For Review' tab
The 'voided' transactions will be displayed under Spent column and not under Received column in your Quickbooks account.
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