Enabling Security Compliance Settings (GDPR) in myfrontdesk

In myfrontdesk you may enable Security Compliance Settings (GDPR) which aims to strengthen the security and protection of personal data.

Check this article to learn how to enable the Security Compliance Settings and what they control.

You may find additional information about GDPR, as well as read the Cloudbeds Terms of Service and Privacy Policy in our Knowledge Base.

How to enable Security Compliance Settings (GDPR)

1. In myfrontdesk go to General System Settings.

2. Scroll down to MISCELLANEOUS PREFERENCES and switch the toggle for 'GDPR Compliance Functionality.'

Once enabled, tools to comply with GDPR such as Guest Data Extraction, Anonymization and Marketing Opt-In will be available to your property (see below). 

You will still be solely responsible for complying with GDPR legislation and regulations.

Which tools are enabled with GDPR?

The following tools are enbled with the GDPR settings:

  1. Guest Data Extraction
  2. Guest Anonymization
  3. Marketing Opt-in
  4. Tracking GDPR settings changes
Guest Data Extraction

This option can be found in 'Guests' section when opening any specific guest page.

1. Go to 'Guests' section
2. Click on guest
3. Click 'Actions' button and select 'Export to XML'

An option to export guest data to csv format will be coming in future releases.

The export button creates and allows you to download an XML file (similar to Reservation Export) that includes the details outlined below.

  1. Guest Details:
    1. First Name
    2. Last Name
    3. Email
    4. Phone
    5. Cell Phone
    6. Date of Birth
    7. Gender
    8. Address 1
    9. Address 2
    10. City
    11. Country
    12. Province / State
    13. Postal / ZIP Code
    14. All Additional Information Custom Fields
    15. Type of Guest Document
    16. Document Number
    17. Document Issue Date
    18. Document Issuing Country
    19. Document Expiration Date
    20. All custom fields
  2. History
  3. Notes (both active and archived)
  4. Documents
  5. All Reservations
  6. Guest Page Mock Up
Guest Anonymization

This option can be found in 'Guests' section when opening any specific guest page.

1. Go to 'Guests' section
2. Click on guest
3. Click 'Actions' button and select 'Anonymize Guest'

Anonymizing guest data will remove all personally identifiable information for this guest from the system.

  1. Guest Details:
  2. Guest’s Photo
  3. Phone
  4. Cell Phone
  5. Date of Birth
  6. Address 1
  7. Address 2
  8. All PII Custom Fields
  9. Document Number
  10. Document Issue Date
  11. Document Expiration Date
  12. Notes * if there are any
  13. Documents
    1. All images and documents uploaded aside from Registration Cards and Invoices


  • This action CAN NOT BE UNDONE
  • The ‘Anonymize Guest Data’ button will be active only if:
    • Guest has no In-House, Confirmation Pending, or Confirmed reservations;
    • Balance Due is 0;
    • Guest has not been previously anonymized
  • Invoices won't be updated or deleted
Marketing Opt-In

With GDPR functionality enabled the following tools regarding marketing opt-in become available:


On the mybooking settings page, there will be a section to allow the property to configure whether you want the marketing opt-in / opt-out option to display on the booking engine.

If yes is selected you will be able to enter the custom opt-in text for the guests suggesting they opt-in for marketing emails:

Guests will be able to opt-in/out to marketing emails during booking on mybookings:


You can define which of your email templates (if any) is a marketing/non-marketing type.

  • Non-marketing emails will be sent out to all guests.
  • Marketing emails will be sent out only to guests who opted-in.

By default all templates will be set to non-marketing once GDPR is enabled

If the GDPR setting is DISABLED, all emails will be sent to all guests. This includes both marketing and non-marketing emails.


You may check which guests have opted-in/out on the 'Guests' tab.

  • Property CAN NOT opt guest in for marketing emails manually. Guests are only able to opt-in for marketing emails during the booking process on mybookings or an opt-in email sent through email.
  • Both the property and guests may opt-out the guest from marketing emails. Property can opt-out the guest from marketing email on 'Guests' tab. Guest may opt-out on mybookings during booking process or by following a special email link.

By default all existing guests are set to 'opt-out'


If the guest is opted-out and you want to send him a marketing template from a reservation - the system will throw an alert asking you to remove the recipient or send the email anyways:


A new 'Guest Opt-in Settings' page will be available where the property may customize the text suggesting the guests to opt-in for marketing emails. Clicking 'Preview' under Opt-In Page section will redirect to page with constant URL which can be sent out to guests suggesting them to opt-in:

Marketing Opt-In (for properties with GDPR enabled)

Tracking changes to GDPR setting in myfrontdesk

You may find logs related to GDPR on the 'Activity Log' page to check who and when GDPR was enabled or disabled.

Here you may also find the logs tracking guest anonymization and guest opt-in/out.

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