Setting up Google Adwords tracking with mybookings

Using Myfrontdesk, you can track your ROI (Return On Investment) for your Google Adwords campaigns. Every time a guest clicks on your ad, visits your website and then completes a reservation, Myfrontdesk will send the information of the reservation to Google Adwords. That´s how you can track your revenue versus your investment in Ad Campaigns. Here is how you can set it up.

1. Create a Conversion Action on Google Adwords
  1. To create a new Conversion Action, click on the Blue Plus Button.

2. Choose Website

  1. Give a name to your Conversion Action. For example: Reservations
  2. For Category, choose Purchase/Sale

5. For Value, choose Use different values for each conversion and for Default Value you can leave as 1, or any default value you choose.

Myfrontdesk sends the total amount of the reservation to Google Adwords. In the unlikely case it fails, Google will use a Default Value defined by you. You can leave it as 1 or you could use an average rate for a room/bed you sell.

6. Click Create and Continue

To learn more about all the options on Google Adwords, read this article from Google's Help Center

  1. Copy the Conversion ID (Numbers only between AW- and /):
    •    'send_to': 'AW-12345678/Q-r21hgMooyLCMiAtHw',
  2. Copy Conversion Label (The long code between / and '):
    •   'send_to': 'AW-12345678/wQ-r21hgMooyLCMiAtH',

You can click on Download snippet  instead of copy-pasting the code.  Please make sure to download the Event snippet, not the Global site tag.

I already have a Conversion Action

If you already have an existing conversion action, open it and click on Tag setup to retrieve your Conversion ID and Conversion Label. When you click on conversion action it will show the same page as the one where you created a new conversion but with the data included.

The list of existing conversion actions can be found here:

2. Configure Adwords in Myfrontdesk

Go to:

  1. Booking engine section
  2. Analytics
  1. Paste the Conversion ID and Conversion Label here and save

Google will now start to collect conversion data from your new reservations.

Do not add this code to any other page on your website, either directly or by using Google Tag Manager. This Conversion Action is to be used only on the confirmation page.


I don't see any conversions in my Google Ads account
  1. Check if you have configured the Adwords ID and Label correctly on myfrontdesk
  2. Make a test reservation on your property and when you arrive at the confirmation page, check if the conversion trigger is working using the Google Tag Assistant extension, available for Google Chrome
    • If you want this test reservation to count towards your conversions for Ads, click on one of your ads on a Google Search and go from there.
  3. Make sure you have received a reservation made by someone that clicked on your ad.
    • Google Adwords will only count conversions for reservations made by guests that clicked on your ad. You may have received more website (direct) reservations in the period, but probably they came to your website some other way.
My conversions don't have a value
  1. Make sure your conversion code is not being used on other pages on your own website.
    1. Open your Conversion Action on Google Adwords and click on Web Pages. This will show you a list of web pages your conversion is being triggered. You should see only "" in there and nothing else.
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