Cloudbeds PMS Password - How to Reset and Possible Issues

If you forget your Cloudbeds login or password, you can reset it.

This article shows how to reset your Cloudbeds PMS password and how to solve issues that may occur during password reset.

Useful information:

  • Password reset link works only one time 
  • Once sent, the link is only valid for 15 minutes
  • If you request a password reset and then request it again, the link in the first email becomes invalid

How to Reset Password

  1. Navigate to Cloudbeds website and click the login link on the top right of your screen.
  1. Under the fields for email and password click on Need help signing in?
  2. Forgot your password?
cloudbedsciam - Sign In - Google Chrome
  1. Enter your Cloudbeds account email or username (this should be the email you have used to login or your user email).
  2. Reset via Email
cloudbedsciam - Sign In - Google Chrome
  1. Password Reset Email will be sent to your email.
cloudbedsciam - Sign In - Google Chrome

If something went wrong and you need to request new password reset, you must wait 5 minutes before requesting it again, otherwise, you will receive the reset links that could be expired.

  1. Check the mailbox for the email entered previously and then click the Reset Password button.
Account password reset - - Cloudbeds Mail - Google Chrome
  1. Once redirected to the page to set a new password, enter a new password and confirm it
  2. Click Change Password
cloudbedsciam - Sign In - Google Chrome

Your Password must be strong and have the following security parameters:

  • At least 8 characters
  • A lowercase letter
  • An uppercase letter
  • A number
  • A symbol
  • No parts of your username
  • Does not include your first name
  • Does not include your last name
  • Your password cannot be any of your last 4 passwords

We can not share the list of commonly used passwords which are restricted for usage - it would allow attackers to know which passwords to skip. We reserve the right to change that list at any time.

This list includes the top 100,000 most common passwords and we continue to update the list over time.

The word Cloudbeds and its variations are considered unsafe. The system will not allow the creation of a password that includes any of these words.

Examples of variations:

  • 123Cloudbeds!
  • Cloudbeds2020$
  • cL0udB3d$
  1. If the password was reset successfully, you will see the login page where you need to enter your email and new password.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to fix the "Password reset request has expired" error?

Issue: If you have attempted to reset the password several times and received "Password reset request has expired" error when clicking the link in an email, the reason can be the following:

  1. You requested a password reset (email #1).
  2. Your email system had issues or was slow at the time the reset link was requested to be sent, as a result the email delivery was delayed.
  3. You requested a reset again (can only be done after 15 minutes), and the email #2 with reset link was sent.
  4. The email #1 was delivered to you but the link in it is expired (because there was a new reset request).
  5. The email #2 was delayed and you requested the password reset again (email #3) ....

Solution: Before attempting to reset the password again, wait 20-30 min, check your mailbox (spam, trash folders), refresh mailbox several times and try to re-login to your mailbox. It can be that the email with the working link isn't yet delivered and you are clicking on an old link which becomes expired when you request another reset.

Only the latest email contains valid reset link - Check the last email, click the three dots icon to show the trimmed message which contains the current valid password reset link.

If you marked Cloudbeds emails as spam several times, our mailing system may no longer send emails to you. Contact our support team to remove your address from our blocked list.

If you requested many passwords reset links, the emails probably became "nested/combined" on your inbox - Check the latest email which contains the current valid password reset link.

Where is my Cloudbeds password stored?

Cloudbeds is using Okta - our identity provider.
Okta is ‘the world’s leading identity solution’ and is a trusted third-party solution used by more than 15,000 global brands. It is our partner and it runs behind the scenes and manages passwords and user authentication process.

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