Setting up Mexican payment method OXXO

This is the current way to enable OXXO. We are working on a different version of enabling Alternative Payment Methods which will be launched in approximately 4 weeks.

How it works? To complete a transaction, guests receive a voucher that includes a reference number for the transaction. Then guest should bring their voucher to an OXXO store to make a cash payment. You (the property) will receive payment confirmation by the next business day along with the settled funds.

OXXO banking-like services are only available from local 6AM-10PM.

How to enable

  1. Settings -> Payments
  2. Payment Options
  3. Additional and Custom Payment Methods
  4. Add Payment Type
  5. Payment Method Type should be Custom, Payment Method Name should be OXXO and Save.
DEMO Mountain Resort and Spa - Payment Options - Google Chrome

How to use OXXO on the Folio

  1. Access Folio
  2. Add/Refund Payment -> Add Payment
  3. Payment Type, select OXXO
  4. When using OXXO, you can select Charge to produce a voucher for payment, or Record previous payment only records the payment, it does not initiate a payment
  5. Collect Full Name and Email
  6. Once you click continue, the customer will receive an email that contains a voucher, to then take to an OXXO store for payment.
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