PIE - Activity Log

The Activity Log allows you to investigate the details of the changes made on the PIE tool for your property on Cloudbeds PMS.  

This article offers a general overview of the Activity Log on PIE.

Looking for the Cloudbeds PMS Activity Log instead? See How to use the Cloudbeds PMS Activity Log

Access the PIE Activity Log

Starting from the PIE section of your Main Menu, click on the Activity Log:

Activity Log Overview

How to use Filters
  1. Enter the Rule/Alert name which details need to be reviewed
  2. Select the dates when the change was made
  3. Select a specific time when the change was made
  4. Select the User related to this Rule/Alert
  5. Indicate the type of change made
  6. Indicate the date when the change was Applied for
  7. Click on Apply

Click on Export on the top right to export the Activity Log data for your records

Activity Log

Once the filters are applied, the Activity Log will display all the changes made that match the entered criteria. Print this data by clicking on the printer icon, on the top right of the Activity Log page:

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