Cloudbeds University - How to Download Your Certificate

Once you have successfully completed a course or a learning plan in Cloudbeds University, you will receive an email to download your certificate as shown below.  Or, follow the steps in this article to download your certification directly from within Cloudbeds University.

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Download the Course Certificate

The Download Your Certificate link will become available as soon as you complete the last module of a course or the last course within the learning plan.

  1. Use the search bar on the top of your screen and search for the course in which you wish to download the certificate.
  2. Select My Courses and Learning Plan tab.
  3. Choose the desired course.
All Results - Cloudbeds University - Google Chrome
  1. Click on Download Your Certificate.
  1. The certificate will be downloaded. Click to open the certificate.
PicPick - Image 5

Download the Learning Plan Certificate

The process to download the Learning Plan certificate is similar to the above. The only difference is that the Learning Plan will show the percentage complete as shown below.

  1. Click on Download Your Certificate and save your certificate.

Here's a sample of the Cloudbeds University certificate:

363_7_13980_1613661285_CB Course Certificate.pdf - Google Chrome
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