This article will guide you on how to connect calendar-based channels.
Things to note before getting started
- Check this article before moving forward: Calendar channels (ical connection) - Everything you need to know
- Cloudbeds PMS only provides ical for room types, not individual rooms.
- You will need to copy/import the URL of each room type separately.
- For one-way channels: you will need to adjust inventory on Cloudbeds PMS manually for any incoming bookings from that channel/calendar or to manually create a reservation on Cloudbeds PMS.
- Calendar-based channels do not provide us with the number of customers that booked, so bookings for shared/dorm rooms will be imported as 1 bed by default, even though there could be more!
- Pitchup: This channel does not accept mapping more than one unit per accommodation type. If you have multiple units for an accommodation type, be sure to create each unit a specific listing in Pitchup to be able to map.
Connect calendar based channels
Step 1 - Copy the room type ical URL in Cloudbeds PMS
Access the Distribution page and,
- Go to the Discover page and search for the channel you want to connect or, if the channel is not listed, calendar
- Click to view channel/view ical links
- Click to Enable channel, if the channel was listed
- Each room will have their correspondent URL link. Copy each one at a time to follow step 2.
For listed channels:
For one-way channels (not listed):
Step 2 - Import the ical URL into your calendar channel/calendar
- Login to the Calendar Channel of your choice.
- Find the page where you can manage your room types/listings.
- Locate the specific room type/listing/calendar that you want to manage.
- Find the option to enter an external calendar for Import. This option will vary from channel to channel ("sync" calendar, "import" calendar, etc). Find below some channel extranet's details for this step.
- Paste the URL that you copied in Step 1 into the calendar import.
- Repeat all steps above for each of your room types/beds.
For one-way channels, the connection is complete.
For two way channels, you also need to export their calendar URLs to Cloudbeds PMS calendar. Find some examples in Step 3.
Step 3 - Export the channel's calendar to Cloudbeds PMS
Once you finish importing Cloudbeds calendar URLs to the channel,
- Locate the option to Export calendar in the channel's calendar syncing page
- Copy the export URL link
- Paste it on Cloudbeds PMS mapping page (a blank space will be left to paste the URL there)
Repeat it for each room type and the connection will be complete.
Find below how to locate the calendar export and import url links in some common calendar-based channels listed in Cloudbeds:
Import GlampingHub URL
- Login to GlampinHub
- Click on the calendar tab on the top menu bar
- On the calendar view, click on the Calendar sync Import/Export option on the right
- Select the Property on the drop-down menu
- Select the Accommodation/Unit on the menu bar and click to Apply
- Paste the Cloudbeds PMS URL from step 1 above in the box
- Click on the sync icon to the right
Repeat the steps above for ALL of your GlampingHub rooms you'd like to sync with Cloudbeds PMS.
Export GlampingHub URL (iCal link)
On your GlampingHub dashboard, follow the steps below
- Clicking to Export URL
- Copy the link which corresponds to your Cloudbeds room type
- Paste the GlampingHub URL into the Exported calendar URL in Cloudbeds mapping page
Repeat the steps above for ALL of your GlampingHub rooms you'd like to sync with Cloudbeds PMS.
Importing Cloudbeds URL (iCal Link)
- Copy the Cloudbeds PMS link of the room type you want to sync (or click on 'copy link')
- Login to your Riparide account
- Go to My Listings at the top right corner
- Click on the Listing that you wish to sync with Cloudbeds PMS
- Select Sync Calendar from the left menu
- Select Cloudbeds as your Calendar
- Paste the URL you copied from above.
- Click to Add
Repeat the steps above for ALL of your Riparide rooms you'd like to sync with Cloudbeds PMS.
Export Riparide URL (iCal Link)
- Copy the Riparide Calendar URL for the corresponding Cloudbeds room type.
- Paste the Riparide Calendar URL into the Exported calendar URL in Cloudbeds PMS
Repeat the steps above for ALL of your Riparide rooms you'd like to sync with Cloudbeds PMS.
Import the Cloudbeds PMS URL (iCal link)
- Choose the first room type that you want to sync and click on copy link
Login to HomeAway dashboard,
- Click on Calendar
- Select Import & Export
- Click on Import a Calendar
- Enter the calendar URL from your Cloudbeds PMS previously copied on Step 3
- Choose How calendar events import (Block or Don't block)
- Click Next
In order to block availability, the event must span at least one night.
- Name your calendar
- Select a color for your imported calendar
- Click on Import
It may take up to 20 minutes to see your imported calendar events.
If you need to sync additional calendars: select a new listing on HomeAway and repeat the steps above for all of your HomeAway rooms.
Export HomeAway URL (iCal link)
On your HomeAway dashboard, obtain your HomeAway export calendar URL:
- Click on Import & Export tab
- Click on Export Calendar
- Uncheck the option Include Tentative Reservations in the calendar export.* This will stop all guest inquiry reservations coming through the iCal.
- Click on Copy URL to copy the HomeAway calendar
- Paste the HomeAway URL in your Cloudbeds PMS account
If you need to sync additional calendars: select a new listing on HomeAway and repeat the steps above for all of your HomeAway rooms.
- Once you finish all your room types, on Cloudbeds PMS, click to Continue
The mapping is complete.
You can also use the URLs in places that accept iCal files to interact with a calendar (e.g. an embedded website calendar widget showing a simple view of when your property is free to be booked).
We recommend this video (7min) which shows the correct way to do this for Wordpress websites.
You can follow all the instructions from the video and when promoted to insert the calendar link, you can copy the Cloudbeds PMS link and paste it in your Wordpress website editor.
Cloudbeds PMS also offers Cloudbeds Websites services as an add-on - professionally built websites that are fully integrated with the Cloudbeds booking engine, channel manager and PMS. If you're interested, check this article for more information: Cloudbeds Websites - Everything you need to know
If the calendar you want to sync is the Google calendar, follow the steps below:
- After Step 1, go to your Google Calendar
- Click the '+' sign ("Add other calendars")
- Paste Cloudbeds PMS room type ical url and click to Add calendar
Once a room type in Cloudbeds PMS becomes unavailable (availability = 0) - a block will appear in Google Calendar.
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