The integration between Minut and Cloudbeds will allows you to sync your Minut properties with the guest data in Cloudbeds. If loud noise is detected at a property, the guest will automatically receive a message, letting them know to keep it down.
To create your Minut account, you can also email or follow the steps detailed here.
- Reservations and guest data synced from Cloudbeds PMS
- SMS to guests when loud noise is detected
- Auto call to guests when loud noise is detected
- Flash and Sound
Once you have linked your Minut homes with your Cloudbeds listings you can set up guest communication, so that guests that are synced from Cloudbeds will be alerted if noise levels are above the set threshold during their stay.
Guest Connect functionality allows hosts to manage properties with automatic communication to guests. On behalf of the host, Minut can contact guests for you when they become too loud. This way your involvement is only required as a last resort. Of course, you are kept informed whenever guests are contacted directly.
Find more information on guest communication here.
Search for advice and answers at or get in touch at
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